Wishing peace for the families and friends of the South Philly String Band members and their partners who died or were injured in a tragic New Year's Day accident. I can't imagine how they feel, as a person removed from it I was ill all day yesterday just thinking about it. I’m sad that our mutual friends are hurting, young lives were cut short, and families are left missing them forever. Your whole life can change in an instant.
Speaking of your whole life can change in an instant...I'm hoping the murderer of seven year old Jazmine Barnes is caught, soon. If you are in Houston and surrounding areas, please share info and be on the lookout. Senseless acts of racist hatred must not go unmentioned. It's 2019. This has to stop. White people need to make it stop. Follow Shaun King for updates and action items.
Sending Laura all the happy birthday wishes today. Love you forever!
Booking shore weeks for the summer. I have five weeks booked, six weeks + Memorial Day weekend available.
Buying nothing. Consume less, be more, and all that. I am in the market for one side table for the living room - I have attempted to put every other table in my house there and none are working - and a bathroom vanity for the shore and will be trolling thrift stores for those. A coat rack and ottoman for the living room arrive this weekend. Otherwise things will be considered as other things run out (I'll be evaluating what I use instead of just blindly repurchasing what might not be a necessity) or as needed and let me say aloud in public right now I don't need anything.
Spending nothing. Consume less, be more, and all that.
Focusing on getting my house in order over the next few months: purging to trash/sell/donate, organizing, lightening the physical load around the place, getting hygge with it. This was my plan last year too then a campaign came into the picture and all plans disappeared.
Hibernating...that's basically what the three points above add up to, right?
Thinking, when I do buy something, where I’m buying it from and who profits.
Fucking pumped for this House swearing in today. The most diverse House ever, and more to come in the future. Nancy, you need to deliver.
Enjoying my rearranged and brighter living room. The dogs are too.
Going to the Women's March in DC again this year. Last year I stuck to Philly. I'll be seeing Mimi who I haven't seen since the DC March in 2017 and Gena for the first time since my freaking wedding in 2010 and Gwen it's been like five years I think? Debbie and Melissa are coming too and it should be a productive Girls' Weekend with some of the people I love most on earth. Everything was planned and paid for and plane tickets booked early so our displeasure with anti-semitism from leaders will be on our signs and I've written to the March leaders. If you don't want to show up there, please continue showing up somewhere. Recognize that no movement or organization or candidate is going to be perfect. Don't let that stop you from showing up. Work to change things from the inside if you can. Do. Participate. Women need to step up, speak out, give each other space and grace but do what we can to work together because absolutely nothing is changing without us. We are the reasons the patriarchy still stands, we are the reason white supremacy still exists - we protect both systems, sometimes without even knowing it.
Fucking pumped for this House swearing in today. The most diverse House ever, and more to come in the future. Nancy, you need to deliver.
Enjoying my rearranged and brighter living room. The dogs are too.
Going to the Women's March in DC again this year. Last year I stuck to Philly. I'll be seeing Mimi who I haven't seen since the DC March in 2017 and Gena for the first time since my freaking wedding in 2010 and Gwen it's been like five years I think? Debbie and Melissa are coming too and it should be a productive Girls' Weekend with some of the people I love most on earth. Everything was planned and paid for and plane tickets booked early so our displeasure with anti-semitism from leaders will be on our signs and I've written to the March leaders. If you don't want to show up there, please continue showing up somewhere. Recognize that no movement or organization or candidate is going to be perfect. Don't let that stop you from showing up. Work to change things from the inside if you can. Do. Participate. Women need to step up, speak out, give each other space and grace but do what we can to work together because absolutely nothing is changing without us. We are the reasons the patriarchy still stands, we are the reason white supremacy still exists - we protect both systems, sometimes without even knowing it.
Listening to In My Feelings by Drake , well not actually listening as I’ve never heard the song all the way through. But I’m listening to it in my head and singing that one line out loud because I can’t get it out of my ear. My three year old niece sings it and it's a riot. I thought Debbie was going to tackle me to the ground numerous times over the weekend because I said kiki, do you love me out loud 76578866 times.
Reading: Golden Child by Claire Adam courtesy of Netgalley. I'm hoping to walk over to the library today to pick up some books on hold. Show Us Your Books is Tuesday.
E-carding: I kid. I'm actually looking forward to being quiet this month, doing less, and recharging.
Linking up with Kristen
Reminding the world that what it feels like is more important than what it looks like.
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Linking up with Kristen
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