Four years we've been doing this damn thing. When we started, Jana and I were all I wonder if people will do this with us? Now we regularly get almost 50 people linking up and it's awesome. Some of you have been with us from the beginning. We've lost some people and gained some people. We've all been reading the exact same things in cycles or totally different things. I enjoy being a part of this reader community and seeing you post things on Instagram about what you're reading. Thank you for being a part of this either as someone who links up with us or someone who reads the Show Us Your Books posts every month or someone who chimes in on Instagram with what you're reading. We have five prizes although we should have four to go with the year but whatever and in order they are $25 to Amazon or book retailer of your choice, $10 to Amazon or book retailer of your choice, and three bookish mugs. Enter here and then get down to the reading stuff below:
Linkup Guidelines:
2. Display the button and/or link back to us on your blog post
2. Visit other blogs who've linked up and talk books as booknerds are wont to do (if you are a late linker upper and I haven't commented on your post within two days, please shoot me a tweet or email and let me know I'm an asshole)
Engrossing Reads
Passed the Time Just Fine
Not Worth It
Did Not Finish
This link up is the second Tuesday of every month. The next linkup is Tuesday, November 13, 2018
1. Visit and comment with both of your hosts, Jana & me2. Display the button and/or link back to us on your blog post
2. Visit other blogs who've linked up and talk books as booknerds are wont to do (if you are a late linker upper and I haven't commented on your post within two days, please shoot me a tweet or email and let me know I'm an asshole)
-Title link goes to Goodreads
-Buy link goes to Amazon and is an affiliate link - pennies that are made from you buying through it pay for the running of this link up and prizes such as these
Last Woman Standing by Amy Gentry - In the year of time's up and me too, Gentry is pulling no punches and I love it. A quick read and interesting premise. Free e-copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Book comes out on 1/19/19, pre-order here
Jane Doe by Victoria Helen Stone - Someone recommended this to me in the comments in the last linkup because I like nutter characters and I ordered it that day. No regrets. This was a quick read and a good one. Paperback, own Buy for kindle 99 cents or paperback
Watching You by Lisa Jewell - like never knowing what I'm going to get with a Lisa Jewell book but always ending up liking it. That was true here. Lots of different angles and I was back and forth the entire time. Free e-copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Book comes out on 12/26/18, pre-order here for kindle or here for hardback
A Spark of Light by Jodi Picoult - I always appreciate Picoult books and her willingness to take on subjects that rankle. This is no exception despite my zero tolerance for anyone thinking they have a say over what a woman does with her body. I had a lot of issues with the way the story was told though - backwards. I have enjoyed books told like that before. Not this time. Not a favorite of hers. Still a quick read. Free e-copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review Buy hardcover or kindle
The Clockmaker's Daughter by Kate Morton - I like Kate Morton novels but always walk away feeling 150-200 pages could be cut out. They are brilliant and tie together so exquisitely and with such care but I rarely fail to get antsy at some point. This book was the same experience. Still a good read but felt forever-ish. Free e-copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review Book publishes today. Buy kindle or hardcover
Lola by Melissa Scrivner Love (Lola Vasquez #1) - This Lola is a badass and a criminal and I really liked how the author laid women's issues and latina women's issues as a backdrop to this story. Not your typical female lead. Philly library hardback Kindle edition is $1.99, hardcover under $9
The Best Bad Things by Katrina Carrasco - I read this back to back with Lola, and this has another unusual female lead in Alma. Alma was a very unique character and I loved that. She reminded me a little of the Kopp Sisters but on the other side of the law. The book seemed slow in spots so it took a while to get through. Free e-copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review Book publishes on November 6. pre-order Kindle version
My Sister, the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite - Is this a me title or what? Super quick, dark read. Almost more like a short story or novella. I typically don't share the actual cover on here, just a pic of me reading it, but I like this one. Free e-copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review, book comes out November 20 pre-order Kindle version
Let the Northern Lights Erase Your Name by Vendela Vida - I've had this for quite a while, it was actually part of an exchange from SUYB with Bev. Nothing easy about a lot of the subject matter in this book, but I really liked the writing and the author took great care to build the main character poised on the precipice of what you hope is not a total breakdown. I was fascinated by her rashness. Up and leave it is always an interesting topic to me. Paperback, own through a trade
Not Worth It
She Lies in Wait (DCI Jonah Sheens #1) - So I really liked this story and was going to put it in the category above, but since I am not super likely to read the second in the series, I stuck it here. I liked this story a lot but the pacing was not good and the weird relationships among the team were unnecessary and made it all seem longer. Free e-copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review
Did Not Finish
What have you been reading?

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