This one all runs together. Friday I went to acupuncture, home to finish putting fall on outside, then out campaigning with MFD. Saturday morning MFD had a Recovery Walk and some canvassing shifts so I was at the shore by 9, fixed my nails right up, and was on my way home again by 5. Sunday was comfort food shopping and oh, here is a photo of a pile of eggs that will be breakfast burritos that get frozen. If that sounded disjointed, it's because it was.
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights were also spent at hospice and Sunday afternoon with family. My father-in-law has been ill for quite some time and passed away very early Sunday morning. He was a ton of fun and made people in his company feel welcome, included, and at ease. He was funny outright but he could also bring levity to any situation by injecting his brand of humor. He was comfortable being silly and that was the best. He was kind. He loved his family so, so much. He was a pistol too. I loved him. I am glad he is at peace and no longer suffering. Please say a prayer for my mother-in-law, who has been his full time primary caretaker for years which was not at all easy on her; his kids who will miss him dearly forever; his grandchildren and the many family members and friends who were family to him. Thanks and much love to all who have reached out in support. MFD is doing okay. Years ago he would have lived in the bottom of a bottle. Now when he feels the need to escape for a while he drives to DC at the crack of dawn to stand against the Kavanaugh nomination on behalf of very fucking pissed off women like his mother and his wife and many other women we know. That’s what he’s doing today. His dad was really proud of Michael for running for office and standing for what he believes in and standing for the rights of others so that's how he's honoring him today.

Thank you thank you to Stephen and Aubrey who took care of getting the shore house ready for next weekend's guests, it was a huge load off for me not to have to try to figure that out.
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