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Anyone know who did the drawing on the upper left? I stole it from a friend who stole it from a friend and can't find it on google images. I'd like to credit it if you know who the artist is. |
2. How are you helping those hurt by Hurricane Florence? So far I donated to this for Emerald Isle cleanup, as we have been fortunate enough to visit and enjoy their fair island and I wanted to do whatever small I could for those folks. Please hook me up with other grassroots people and organizations you trust doing work on the ground, especially for those communities inland who are experiencing river flooding and do not as a rule have flood insurance.
3. This week has been a zoo. Home from a tiring weekend at 10:30 Sunday night, up at 6 to spend the day with my niece and nephew on Monday. I had so much fun with them. Lola is a riot. Also, do all barbies not have bending knees now or just some?
4. Monday night I got home at 4:45, did a quick change/commute into the city/out until 11 at Turn PA Blue Blue Plate Special. It was a great event but way out of my league and comfort zone. We also had to actually go over the Walt Whitman into Jersey to get back home because of dead stop traffic on 95N after 10 pm.
5. Pumpkin donuts are back and I'm here for it. I'm apparently not here for birthdays, I've been awful at those in person, on FB, on here. Tuesday was my oldest friend Jen's birthday and yesterday was my brother Sean's birthday. Happy birthday to you both, love you lots.
6. Wednesday night I did the hustle out of work, picked up a stranger to me at the train station, and we went to MFD's event close to home. The former Mayor of Philly and Gov of PA Ed Rendell was there, of course MFD's Ferko brothers were there to entertain the crowd, my Mom (sorry for the bad pic mom!) and her friends Sue & Mike were there as well as many other friendly faces it was nice to see like Morgan and Mike, and I had great conversations with a few of the seniors who come there often to dance to the oldies. There was an incident with someone not at the event that really illustrated how bad the stigma against the opioid epidemic is and why while this campaigning is tiring and hard, it's necessary to get people into office who will work hard for everyone - including those who are most marginalized in our communities. We are better when it's better for all of us - including the ones most people turn a blind eye to.
7. Gus is still trucking, I have no idea how. Literally every week I think is the end and it's not. I'm working from home today and he was barking in my face as I was at my computer at 8 am demanding food and treats and everything. He doesn't do well if he doesn't take CannaPaws CBD Oil. So he takes that daily. No more steps for him but he's still doing everything else. Bruce is still jumping all over him like a circus monkey and Mae is growling at life. Same old same old here.
8. Plans for this weekend? Mine include going to the shore and feeling anonymous. I am wrecked after this week, I don't have the stamina for multiple evening peopleing events after peopleing all day.
9. Reminder:
ALSO!!! Local people not comfortable door knocking and friends from out of state who would like to help MFD's campaign, please sign up here to text for him. If you have not done texting for candidates before, it's through an online program and your number is not visible to people. Once you have joined the texting thread, you can ask to be assigned specifically to his voters. We have 20,000 people to contact. Please sign on to help if you can, the next texting day is tomorrow (Friday, Sept 21).
I wrote this live today, so it's all fresh and not canned. This is how I used to do Thursday Thoughts, before I cared if there was a signature on it. It still feels nice and true. And I still have a centering issue at the bottom. Some things never change.
Peace, love, and women's rights, you all.

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