
Monday, August 13, 2018

TWTW - the one at the lake

Thursday night I had a work event. When I got home at 8:30 Mom and Debbie were at my house and we loaded up the dogs and headed almost three hours to the lake. Bruce had no idea the lake was there and was running like a loon and went in in the dark. He swam himself out as I was shucking off my shoes and cardigan to go in after him.
Despite going to bed after 1, Gus was up by 6 and we kicked off the weekend. Melissa arrived around 6 Friday and we had sunrises, sunsets, rain, sun, thunder, lightening. Weather ran the gamut.
It's so nice to spend a weekend doing fuck all with people I love. We read, napped, talked, walked, played a hilarious game of Cards Against Humanity and Golden Girls Monopoly that we shit out on early, ate, drank, lounged, and relaxed together. It's so nice to do that with your people far away from real life. I love this annual girls weekend at the lake. It would not have been possible for me without Michelle and Danielle at the shore doing turnover and taking care of shit that crops up always on Michelle's watch. LOL and THANK YOU!
The dogs had the best time as always at Treat Lady's. They were catered to and coddled, always on a lap or being fed fruit or chips or hoovering up food that was dropped. Gus got dipped in the lake and Bruce went in again on Friday: jumped in and went under and swam out. I might have a dog who swims. They napped in the shade and lived their best lives.
Sunday when I got home I did laundry and went to Sam's then off to Dad & Carol's for Carol's birthday dinner. Happy birthday Carol! Lola Jean and Baby Stephen were the stars of the show of course. My Dad isn't doing too bad after knee replacement last week. We stopped by to see MFD's parents too, completing the Langhorne circuit for the night.
Weekly food prep - not on the weekend, but it is happening. Tonight I'll be making scrambled eggs with broccoli and I picked up a rotisserie chicken at Sam's to kick off dinners. I'm also making a huge vat of veggie meat sauce later in the week to freeze and to share.

Local friends, MFD is having a fundraising taco party in South Philly tonight. I'd love to see you even if we've never met face to face! You can buy tickets that start at $25 here. You can buy a ticket in support and not show too.

See y'all back here tomorrow for Show Us Your Books with me & Jana & our reading posse.

How was your weekend?

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