
Thursday, March 24, 2016

Thursday Thoughts - this week is still happening

1. Ladies, I need to recommend these Lou & Grey pants from LOFT to you for bumming around in this summer. Relax, enjoy.

2. Thanks so much for the love on my Tuesday post about not waiting in this life. In times of loss, writing is cathartic for me. It helps me work through things. If it helped you too, I'm glad.

3. The online Stella & Dot party I'm hosting is still happening. Click here to shop, 40% of the proceeds go to Paw Works, a no-kill animal rescue in Los Angeles. Do it for the doggies. Some of my favorite Stella & Dot stuff is actually not jewelry - I love their Getaway bag for weekend trips (mine was a gift from Lori a few years back), and this little elephant bag to carry my weekend stuff back & forth to the shore.
4. Speaking of the shore, this is the second weekend in a row I was supposed to be there but am not able to be. I'm learning how to work out needs of incoming renters without physically being there, which is important in a pinch. I need to get down there at some point, maybe a quick down and back Saturday night. Debbie and I are heading down next weekend for sure. I need to zone out and the shore is a good place to do that especially when I can't get into the main house to do any work in there. LOL

5. I scored Bruce tickets for September 7. 

6. I have heard the word shart at least 10 times this week. From different sources. I could include many shart week memes right here but I'll spare you even though like farts, sharts are always funny. You're welcome.

7. My skin has reverted to super dry winter skin and I've had to pull my vitamin D body butter back out. Where are you, spring?

8. My house is a wreck but I got to sit outside in a rocking chair with my wonderful niece for a while last night and watch her watch the world. It was better than cleaning by a mile.

9. It's carnie week on my street. If you get home late you get to park far from your house and retrieve your car in the dark of night in your pajamas, dodging the late carnival leavers (stop looking at me Swan), scurrying through your neighborhood like a sewer rat, and hoping the Glamour Don'ts crew is not on patrol.

10. E-card of the week:


  1. bleh, dry skin. the story of my life. i've started using this amazing oil blend that's really helped with my crazy hormonal dry skin - eminence organics Rosehip Triple C+E. i blend a little of this with my argan oil and hydration for dayyyssssss.

  2. Seriously spring is just giving it a miss isn't it? My skin is rebelling as well, I have ALL the moisturizer.

    That ecard is my life.

  3. How long does it take you from Philly to OC? Also, even though you don't like concerts you picked some EXCELLENT ones to see.

  4. Great that you can get to the beach next weekend! Lovely sitting out with Lola last night. Precious moments. I have many every day. #oneluckymommom Happy Friday Eve!
    Love. Your. Mommom.

  5. It drive my husband CRAZY how fast I go from work clothes to lounge clothes when I get home :)
    I'm still so jealous of your shore house- what a neat venture. I'm suffering from dry skin, too. And we're the exact opposite with concerts- I AM a concert go-er and I usually have two or three lined up each summer but right now I have none :( And Dave Matthews is playing SO close to home this weekend and I'm so bummed I'm missing it!

  6. We have to skip a sea visit this weekend too since it's going to rain...again. K is just excited we get to have PJ day on Saturday even though she says she'd rather go outside.

  7. When Andrew sees me in work clothes, he thinks it's weird. I'm always in lounge clothes or dog walking clothes by the time he gets home. LOVE your concert line up for the summer. My SIL sent video from the Paul Simon show in Atlanta and that alone was fantastic.

  8. hahahaha that ecard is the best. and omg so jealous of all your concerts! i used to be super into concerts but now less so. i really want to see dolly but no one will go with me! she is not coming to my city so it would have to be a drive, so everyone i know is like 'i don't like her enough to drive' what?! i am considering going on my own, no lie. that elephant bag is super cute!

  9. That sounds like a fun little festival in your area, but yeah, having to get out & move the car? UGH. Seems like they need a valet service for this :)
    I'm all for products that help animals - gotta check out the link.
    I so want to see Dolly Parton. She's the voice of my childhood.

  10. Couldn't help but laugh at shart week. I haven't seen that funny. You have some awesome concerts lined up for someone who doesn't like concerts. I like to stand on the outskirts where I don't have people bumping into me or sit if there's seating.

  11. I love love love Lou & Grey from Loft. I have a dress, a sweater and something else that I cant think of right now and I want it all every time I am in there. Just great weekend wear! Sign me up for Counting Crows! Such a fun line up :) And I would have to agree that farts and sharts are always funny. Always. Love that ecard, that is me literally every day when I get home.

  12. "shampoo is better, i go on first and clean the hair! Condition is better, I leave the hair silky and smooth!"

  13. Love the last e-card--so me all the time (PJs, sweats...same thing!). Sharts ARE always funny, so thank you :) Sorry about all of the carnie traffic...that blows. But yay for all of the concerts this summer!!

  14. Those pants are perfect for summer and look super comfy. Ugh, tell me about it, spring needs to come back like yesterday. How is it almost memorial day and I'm still wearing a jacket :/ Beautifully Candid

  15. Lots of great concerts. My love has deepened for The Boss after canceling his concert in NC and his amazing Prince tribute. If you haven't seen it, it's worth searching it out. Errr ... probably shouldn't admit this but some days I stay in PJs all day. The pro of working from home where no one but my cat sees me. :)

  16. I am SO jealous you get to see Springsteen! That's going to be such an amazing show! I laughed out loud at both the sharting & the stop looking at me swan. I used to have a biology teacher that would randomly say that in class & would sound so close to Adam Sandler.

  17. You are quite the concert goer!! Have fun! And those pants look so perfect! I want!
    Evelina @ Fortunate House

  18. Everything Lou & Grey is my fave- haha, I really cannot wait to not be pregnant and shop at the LOFT again! ;) Your concert list is quite impressive- I think I'm most envious of the Dolly show, I kinda' love her!

  19. I'm going to see Counting Crows too!! Maybe next summer I will rent your house at the shore, I would love to see it!

  20. Excellent ecard. Shopping Stella & Dot now even though shopping is the last thing I should be doing. Haha.

  21. One of my juvenile boy toys is a bartender and recently worked the Paul Simon show here. He said he really was not familiar with him... I died. I was like honey, just don't talk lol. I need the S&D triangle ear climbers... in Love with them. I will place an order for you!

  22. I don't think we are going to get a spring this year least not here in Indiana.

  23. DOLLY!!! Way jealous. Some concerts are definitely worth the hassle of dealing with concerts :)

    Tell me about this vitamin D body butter! BRB while I google that and also SHART week memes.

  24. Oh, that e-card for sure. I wish I could do that tonight! We are seeing Dolly too! I was so glad she booked a KC show. I was not optimistic. Gosh she's so cheeky and awesome. How fun! I hope you enjoy your concerts. I am not a fan of a lot of things about concerts.. but it is one of my favorite ways to go out! If you are GA hold those beers high and use them to weave through the crowd! No one wants to be spilled on. GA also, find a good spot, and don't give it up. Ever. Seats? I always get aisle. You obvs. have yours already...but anyhow. :) Drink enough that you aren't freaked out by people getting gross or super illegal on you (bugs me, I dunno about you)... but not so much that you are sloshed and about to fall down all the stairs. Know as much of the album as you can ahead of time. Get to the merch table early if you want merch. Try to eat anywhere but the venue. It's so expensive. I think those are more or less my tips.. :) I like to follow my favorite venues and stations on FB RSS so I can see ASAP when a show is announced. I don't like to miss them! :) I hope you have fun, and you make it to the beach soon! Those pants and that elephant bag are adorable! :) XO -Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

  25. I will fully embrace the athleisure trend this summer. Hello, glorified sweat pants. Nice ones from Loft!

  26. this weather is so crazy my skin has no idea what to do. drives me nuts! loving those pants, looks like i need them in every color. sharting is always a funny word.

  27. That is a bizarre word to have heard so many times this week lol! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  28. Okay, I LOVE those pants! The LOFt is the best store, hands down! I love that Stella and Dot bag!

  29. What an amazing concert lineup, especially with The Boss! And those pants look like perfection! Happy Friday <3

  30. I see myself wearing those pants like errvery day, not just for bumming. :D
    The first tape I owned was Born in the U.S.A. :)

  31. haha I have probably never heard the word shart used in regular conversation, only on tv and in memes. love it!

    PS that meme is so on point!

  32. Have you washed those pants yet? I find Lou & Grey notorious for shrinking, even if you follow the instructions to a T.

  33. lol that ecard, so true!!! I legit think it's rude when ANYONE knocks on our front door that I'm not expecting bc it takes me like 3 seconds in the house to dress down and wash my face and expect to see no one else. lol. I bet it's hard to be a landlord when you're a bit away. I'm sure you'll get your groove on it soon, still your first year! And I want those pants too.

  34. I can't wait to hear about the Paul Simon concert. That was my thing with my dad. I don't know if he's done a lot of newer stuff, but the old stuff makes this girl happy. :)


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