Thursday, August 16, 2018

Thursday Thoughts - On the big screen they showed us the sun but not as bright in life as the real one

1. Yesterday was Bruce Springsteen's first birthday. Bruce is still coming into his own. I don't have his voice yet. When I do, he'll write a blog post like Gus, Geege, and Mae.
2. I am a broken record this year. I'm sick of my own juggling story and I have been dropping balls. I can't do it all and I know that but this year has tested my ability to accept that. I am the embodiment of the Dancing in the Dark lyric man I'm just tired and bored with myself right now. Tired of my own shit. I feel it pulling around the skin of my eyes.

3. I am renting the shore house some weekends in October if you know anyone who might be interested. My favorite returning guests are in the house this week and they had a toilet overflow issue and didn't even want me to bring a cleaning crew in. Bless them. I can't believe we're almost through our third rental season. Thank the Lord I have mellowed more every year.

4. MFD's campaign (Mike Doyle for PA Representative, 170th District formally) had a fundraiser Monday night at South Philly Barbacoa. Hosts Chef Cristina and Ben were amazing as was progressive activist Judy Wicks and everyone I met. Thank you thank you thank you. Upcoming fundraisers, I hope to see some of you locals at one of these! Click through to purchase tickets: Monday, August 20, 6-8 pm at Fare Restaurant with State Rep Donna Bullock and our BFF and 29th Ward Committee Person and proprietor of Angela Vendetti Consulting (tickets start at $35 and donations of up to one zillion dollars are very welcome); and Movie Night at The Newtown Theatre on Wednesday, August 22, from 7-10 pm where our pugs will be taking photos as a goof on the movie The Campaign (suggested donation $10, donations of up to one zillion dollars are very welcome).
Also...wonderful. Huge. And so fucking weird to see this about your husband. So much of this process feels like an out of body experience. 

5. I had some stuff picked up from Vietnam Vets yesterday. Purge it like a polaroid picture. That's not how the song goes? Anyway, three bags gone. Only one million more to go! I still can't get over this organization that comes and picks your stuff up right from your driveway.

6. WikiBuy, who uses it? I've just started exploring this week. I'm on the hunt for a well-priced, comfortable sectional to replace the one at the shore. It is so humid there the sleeper mechanisms have started to drip rust on the floor. It has to go. I of course cannot find one that I like that's not a million dollars and I am not spending a lot on any shore furniture because it doesn't last super long. Do you have any leads or sectionals you love? Aside from the sectional hunt, I like WikiBuy because it hunts for good prices and lets you know if there are coupons. I signed up and used it to find a deal on a dog car seat cover on Amazon and it gave me 95 cents credit for doing absolutely nothing aside from clicking through it, so that was awesome.

7.  I made 4978 vats of veggie meat sauce last night to freeze and give away. Picture it: Sicily, 1923: 12 cans need to be opened and your freaking can opener breaks. I wrestled those bitches open with will, rage, and curses and went on with the show. And am lacking enough vessels to put this in to hand out to fam so I need to go to Rite Aid at lunch.

8. Every day lower into the swamp with this administration, your president calling a black woman a dog via twitter this week is very fucking unpresidential. But good news too from VT, WI, MN, CT primaries. Keep pushing. Keep holding your current representatives accountable. Keep finding local candidates to support and work to get them elected in November. Keep speaking up. Do not be stunned into silence.

9. Reminder:

10. E-card of the week: Hoping to be lazy AF most of this weekend. I'm working from the shore tomorrow so I'll cut out my usual Friday night traffic battle/late arrival.

Tell me how your week has been. 

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