Tuesday, June 5, 2018

The June Seven

See The January Seven / The February Seven / The March Seven / The April Seven / The May Seven

1. Reduce clutter no
2. No two days in a row of ice cream at the shore yes!
3. More salads nope, but more raw veggies and fruit overall

1. Call Ocean City about trash from pipe yes
2. Beach trash pick up yes

1. New recipes: broccoli cauliflower saladfrozen yogurt, no and no, second month in a row on both
2. Going to bed earlier yes

1. Only necessities aside from my coffee - yes, until I bought the instant pot on sale (already returned), and Amber Tamblyn's book

1. Purge dresses and t-shirts nope
2. Continue gathering updated shore house menus yes
3. Vacuum car nope
Needs to be done eventually but is clearly not getting done so need a break from it being a numbered item: 
Blog recommendations tab / shore house blog

Continuing to cook from freezer/pantry yes

Cooking at whim until that's finished yes

Happy happy birthday to Kim today! Can't wait to see you this weekend. And happy happy birthday to Jana today! Hope to see you soon. 

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