
Monday, May 21, 2018

TWTW - the one where love is all around us

Let me cut right to the chase - I came home to poop on the dining room table on Friday. Yes, you read that correctly, We all got Bruced and i has to restrain myself from setting the table on fire. I have literally never. MFD is going down if he leaves a dining room chair out again. Once I collected myself from seeing a pile of turds on my table, I quickly changed and we headed to the wedding of our neighbor. Congrats Dana & Mike!! It was a fun night and we met nice people. And since it was literally around the corner from our house, I got two loads of laundry done before I fell out around midnight.

Saturday I woke up to pouring rain so I finished laundry, watched the Royal Wedding replay, and finished a book. I also packed for the shore, ran and unloaded the dishwasher, picked up around the house, blah blah blah.

Our oven was supposed to get fixed but we found an even bigger problem with it. While that was going down, I picked up very local honey to help with allergies, got flowers at Home Depot and planted them, and returned something to Target where I ran into Stephen & Aubrey and the best niece and nephew ever. I've sucked at maintaining my flowers the past two years so I cut back and added two more perennials so hopefully that helps. We still need some mulch and hanging plants but at least the bed is done. Oh and I'm not typically one to comment on this but WTH is with the price of gas right now?

Saturday night was Gail's engagement party in Rose's awesome house in the middle of nowhere. Such a gorgeous old home and a really lovely area about an hour away from us. I am extremely happy for Gail and Shawn and we had fun reminiscing about the day they got together at Crystal's bachelorette party. It was great to see everyone and catch up. And and and you guys there was a fucking hotdog bar. It was like I died and went to heaven. 

Sunday we headed to the shore to get our last push done before Memorial Day. This doesn't mean all the work is done, but it means what needs to be done before anyone comes in is taken care of. The stuff that will be done after is the stuff that will be nice to have done but not necessary. The day we do this is always an ass breaking day. In the middle of it when everything is torn apart and seems like it will not be put back together, l like to take a break to sit downstairs with my dogs while I curse softly to myself. Today included moving all beds and cleaning under them, moving couches and cleaning under them, cleaning blinds and baseboards (pro-tip: use dryer sheets for baseboards), tightening hooks, adding hooks, touch up paint, spackling the closet for paint later this week, cleaning all window AC units and installing the ones not in the windows, removing all extraneous blankets and personal shit, dealing with weeds, putting the porch furniture out, taking the living room rug outside and beating it, and removing the old pink cabinet and putting the new one in. I was originally going to paint that pink after Memorial Day but decided not to because I like it in the room as is. I'm going to paint a bench in the kitchen pink instead. I need my bright pink furniture in there. I still need to paint the closet, touch up paint in one more room, paint some trim, put the games back, more weeding, make shower cleaner, and make hand soap. I'm tired in advance. 
But around 5 I had to sit down and be done. We biked the boards and had dinner at Hula Grill, which we can never get into in season. 

We hit the beach and did not beat the rain home. I love when a storm is coming in and the sky is split all over so there's different light everywhere you turn. 
We watched Jersey Shore Family Reunion and I painted my nails (Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Cherry Fast) and toes (Wet n Wild megalast I Red a Good Book) even though more painting is in this week’s forecast. After the rain we walked the dogs to get ice cream. It was still humid AF but gorgeous.

Weekly food prep: I am so back and forth this week between here and Philly, I did nothing. So basically eating out of the freezer or english muffins or eggs or cheese and crackers. I'm already thinking about my Memorial Day weekend menu. 

How was your weekend?


  1. Starting the weekend with a wedding is always fun! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Memorial Day has snuck up on me out of nowhere this year. It's May! And now it's almost June. I feel like my brain is on slow-mo. I love the lead up to the start of the 'season'. I can see it in restaurants, stores and feel it in the air. It's like the humidity is welcoming all of the visitors lol!

  3. I am CRYING at the poop on the table and also "We all got Bruced." If it makes you feel any better, I can't leave dining room chairs out either, because Jack.

  4. I love watching a good storm roll in.

  5. A MF HOTDOG BAR. How have I never thought of that before? (Quickly changes Memorial Day menu to a MF hot dog bar)

  6. Woah, sounds like you've been busy. I'm tired just reading this!

  7. Yessss, hot dog bar sounds delicious and perfect for Memorial Day! Love the split sky with the storm rolling in and all the bright colors of the shore house. Hula Grill looks like my kind of place. I love off season here for eating all of my favorite beach places as well.

  8. Lizzy hopped up on a chair right around when I saw you post on IG about Bruce and I had a moment of sheer terror.

    One of my favorite things to do is go to beach restaurants off-season. It makes me feel more like a local.

  9. Yes to all the love this weekend! And lol at getting Bruce'd, that's some ninja skills right there!

  10. UGH sorry about the poop on the table. I was dogsitting this weekend and opened my friend's front door and stepped in poop. So annoying! I love that dryer sheet for the baseboards tip. All kind of love this weekend, I love the cake, the hotdog bar and the selfies of you and MFD. Good week to you!

  11. Oh that food.. especially the chicken looks so good..
    oh god at getting bruced.. I can't even imagine.. I had to read that part twice just to fully comprehend what the hell had happened.

  12. Oh my gosh... TABLE POOP. Is there anything worse?!
    I loved the royal wedding. I still cry when I think about it.
    Hell yes for productive weekends!! (Sooo counting down the days for this long weekend!)

  13. Ok, thankfully I knew from your instagram what happened Friday with the table, but I still had to read this line twice: "I came home to poop on the dining room table on Friday" (like you had to go so badly, you pooped on the table hahahahah). I'm glad you got it all sorted, and hopefully MFD knows better now!
    Looks like a super productive weekend, even if it was a lot of chores and tasks. Probably feels really good to get it all squared away. Here's to many more relaxing weekends at the shore!

  14. Bless you... I can't even imagine my rage at finding poop on our table. I hate complaining about gas prices, too, but damn. We've had to travel so much lately and I'm starting to feel the pinch!

  15. Lord have mercy! Poop on the dining room table... Oh, Bruce, Bruce, Bruce... Life with Bruce = Never a dull moment.

  16. Nooo Bruce! One of my (darling and lovely) dogs has pooped on my bed a couple of times. I tell ya, nothing gets me in a rage quite like coming home, ready to crawl into bed, and finding POOP on it! Last week, I found it and had no clean sheets, so I had to wash the sheets before I could go to bed. SIGH. Dogs are the best / worst, aren't they?!

  17. Oh Bruce boy! You're cute but stop leaving Mom nasty "presents" to clean up. The puppy days! Sounds like you guys got so much accomplished at the shore house and were still able to have fun at the wedding on Friday and engagement party on Saturday! Productive weekend, I'd say! Emily @ Martinis & Bikinis

  18. Bruce is such a little shit. Literally. (Well, I guess I'm assuming it was little. LOL) I definitely would have freaked out though. Your flowers are really beautiful. I wish it wasn't so damn hot here. I was thinking I would do some planting before it got to be 100 degrees outside... but we're already there, so maybe I'll wait until fall. As commented earlier... I know nothing about growing shit. Taking advice wherever I can find it. The red and yellow ones you have there remind me of my great-grandparents. <3 Love all the love in your life... great things to celebrate in spite of the darkness around us.


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