2. When I work from home, I like to eat dinner at 4 pm. I'm going to be the best senior citizen ever.
3. My boy dogs have no work from home chill. They want pets all the time. Mae knows it's work time and leaves me alone.
4. Mostly because she spends the days hiding under blankets.
5. I got a wild hair up my ass Tuesday night and made a million things, the biggest of all being a complete mess of the kitchen.
6. I ended up with two pots of pasta e fagioli, brown rice to use in a made up chicken and broccoli casserole that I threw some bacon and chicken gravy into (cleaning out that pantry) and to freeze. Monday night I made bread and a vat of iced coffee. Last night a vat of sweet tea. I did not read a page of a book Monday through Wednesday so I had to occupy my time in some way.
7. I actually saw white people complaining that this is out of hand because Starbucks is closing for a few hours on May 29 for racial bias training. Oh, it's out of hand alright, but not because Starbucks is doing a racial bias training. You guys...you know no one is forcing Starbucks to do that, right? It is a choice they made as a company, what they think the right response is. They are doing it because there is an obvious need among their staff because they know no one sitting in their cafes needs to make a purchase, despite how many people on the Internet are insisting you can't sit in a business without making a purchase. Well, you can in Starbucks, that's pretty much their model and it doesn’t matter if you personally agree or not, the fact here is that there’s no way in hell that employee would have called the cops if those guys were white and Starbucks corporate knows that so this is what they’re doing about it. The direction the company is taking is called working towards a solution instead of acting like a problem doesn't exist. We’d each do well to examine our bias and ask ourselves if there are situations where we might not say or do something overtly racist but still feel something racist or anti-black inside. But if you're looking for some alternatives in Philly coffee-wise, check these out.
8. Between the multiple international news racist incidents of the past week, the Syria bombings, the Michael Cohen shit, I am just so fucking tired of all of it. Life feels punishing under the trump regime. I’m still calling my Congress people, writing my post cards, and using ResistBot, but I’m drained.

I’m definitely starting to think Russia controls the weather.... poor Mae. It’s a never ending barrage of her least favorite season. I definitely eat super early when I’m home. It’s ridiculous, actually. Your kitchen looks like my master bath. It’s been my morning jet lag project.... with no soup at the end.
ReplyDeleteI can't work from home, I get nothing done. Hawkeye has to be right up next to me the whole time.
ReplyDeleteBoy dogs notoriously need more attention and pettings. They're just naturally cuddlier. We discovered this in our research back when we got Scout...part of the reason why we got him instead of a girl ha ha.
I feel that ecard this week.
I don't understand people who only drink Starbucks. There are other, BETTER, coffee options out there, so what if it closes for a few hours [for a gooooood cause]? People, sheesh.
ReplyDeleteThat quote is ON POINT!
I have had so many meetings at Starbucks where only one person in our group got something. Or where someone was late and I didn't order until they got there. Never in my however many years of going to Starbucks has anyone said anything. We had a panel on the school to prison pipeline last night and one man brought up disproportionate minority contact as an issue in regards to punishment of young black men specifically. We also had an incident this week in SC with multiple deaths at a prison and people's reactions make me want to kick everyone. It's so easy to strip another person of all humanity when it isn't someone you love.
ReplyDeleteIt's so crazy to me to think that people are getting upset over a few hours of not being able to get coffee. I just eat all day long when I work from home - it's really bad. And yes to that quote. Definitely feeling that more and more.
ReplyDeleteThat ecard is 100% me right now. Nash also has no chill when I'm trying to get stuff done. If I'm just hanging out watching Netflix or whatever he's fine, but the second I try to get any type of work done he's all HEY MOM PET ME PLAY WITH ME LET ME JUMP ON YOU
ReplyDeleteCongrats to Gail!
ReplyDeleteI'm so grateful she posted that video and so grateful that Starbucks is doing right by it because they do know no action would have been taken if the person had been white. The only way change can occur is if we confront it, even if it seems silly or obvious or makes us uncomfortable. I'm sick of this damn regime too. I'm drained, frustrated and it feels never-ending. But we persist. :D Also that quote is spot-on. Pinning it because I need to remember it.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad Starbucks is doing something proactive for that stupid mess. Our Starbucks has a homeless guy that is in there EVERY TIME I go in (& that's alot) & I always love they let him stay in there. He rides his bike down in the morning & rides away at night. I am still sickened by that video. Those guys look like nice, clean cut guys - can you imagine if they looked 'thuggish'? I'd be afraid how the police would react. ... I love we live in a world of cameras everywhere!
ReplyDeleteWe had snow and frigid temps on Monday. I'm truly OVER it by this point. I'm thrilled Starbucks is doing something - as we all know, ignoring a problem makes it worse. I can't imagine being so entitled that I was pissed over not being able to get a coffee for a few hours. I wish that was my biggest problem!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE 11's quote. It is so incredibly true and a fantastic reminder! If I'd written my inspirational quote post after today, that would totally have been on it.
ReplyDeleteI agree that the weather needs a swift kick in the nuts. WHat gives? I have no idea, but it needs to hurry up and get NOT cold!
Closing for racial training is NOT a bad thing. Especially given the climate of our society. I applaud Starbucks for making the move to do so, despite the idiots out there who can't live without their coffee for a second and are ok with racism. GAHHHHHH.
LOL at your future as the best senior citizen ever! Oh and sweet Mae hiding under the blankets. You really whipped up some goods on Tuesday night. Everything sounds yummy! Emily @ Martinis & Bikinis
ReplyDeleteI would make a good senior citizen if I were at home and not having to deal with the commute and crazyness of the day. We are lucky if we eat before 8pm most nights because that is the soonest I can get dinner ready. Bruce is adorable on your lap, even if he is preventing work from happening. I think Mae hiding under blankets all day is what I would do if I could as well.
ReplyDeleteI am so used to my dogs being the world's worst employees that when they do behave, I'm shocked.
ReplyDeleteI need a day or evening to just go balls out with the meal prep. It makes my life so much easier.
I saw that tomorrow morning the wind chills will make it feel like the mid twenties. Every day I say to myself "This has GOT to be the last cold day" and ever day so far I've been wrong. Make it stop.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sad that I no longer live up the coast from you. I would do a beach clean up with you in a heart beat. I'll do something outside here Earth Day style, but I do wish I could be helping corral Bruce Springsteen and witnessing the daily shenanigans. Happy almost weekend.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of the e-card, did you see the study released this week that says most people swear by 11am. My literal response was WTF because how are people lasting until 11am? This could also because I catch up on the news with my morning cup of coffee and we have uh...interesting leadership in charge currently.
ReplyDeleteBahaha had to laugh at your first line. NC is giving us a taste of summer...but then dropped back down to 30something this morning so really, Mother Nature is as confused as the rest of us.
ReplyDeleteRecently learned that in NC seniors citizens over 65 can audit college classes for free (limited number a semester). Apparently there is someone working through a whole department a few classes at a time, and I immediately thought "Well that's definitely my new plan for retirement."
So sorry that winter just won't leave, but at least the flowers are blooming. There is hope! And LOL at being the best senior citizen ever, that's me too when I work from home :-P
ReplyDeleteI didn't know that Starbucks' policy allows folks to come and chill without being a paying customer. So many companies require a purchase. Either way, I have no problem with a company wanting to better itself and educate it's employees on how to treat humans like humans.
ReplyDeleteMy dogs SUCK when I work from home. SO damn needy. Lol. But obviously pets are important and I oblige.
I LOVE the soft, pitch-black, velvety muzzle of a pug pup.
ReplyDeleteNope, still not satisfied with the weather. Went to the city yesterday and was waiting outside for friends and FREEZING my ass off. It was better in the sun, but...still. I won't be happy til I can wear a regular ass outfit/light jacket and still not be shivering. Also, I LOVE EATING DINNER EARLY. Also, I appreciate the effort Starbucks is making, the CEO was very emotional talking about the incident on CNN last week. I still think what happened is horrible, but this is how you try to turn it around.
ReplyDeleteI also feel like I am going to make an excellent senior citizen. Early dinners are the best.