Who wants to be woken up at 7:30 on a Saturday morning when they are trying to stay warm in bed and not alert the dogs to movement by a phone call from someone trying to get in touch with their husband? No one. It was chaos from there on out. The power kicked back on about 9:30, Gus was walking pooping as campaign friends and my mom arrived. Welcome to the poop house! Please come in. The second to last petition day and it was a cold one. Catering by my mom, thank you Mom! When everyone left around 7 I cleaned up and painted my nails (Essie It's Genius) and got into bed. Saturday totally took it out of me and I am 100% thankful for my friends who never fail to be there in person or at the other end of a text or phone call. I would not be who I am if I was not fortified by a damn fine crew of strong, honest, smart, funny, loyal women who prop me up when I need them.
Sunday we finally retrieved my car and got an iced coffee because I'm fresh out of my homemade brew. I picked up a little and changed the sheets and caught up with my dad when he dropped off catering by Carol for Sunday. Thanks Carol! The last day of petitions brought a lot of people we don't know personally in and it was nice and exhausting but most days were full of people we know personally who gave up hours or whole days to get signatures for Michael, who were patient as areas were assigned to them, who were kind to our pain in the ass dogs, who understood that we are regular people trying to do something outside of our regular jobs and lives that would not be possible without the help of them. We know amazing people - some we've known forever and are family because we are actually related to them and some are framily we have chosen, some neighbors, some we know through various fellowships, some people who just want a representative who better aligns with their views, and some we've met since the 2016 election. Plus our families and friends who have donated money and friends from high school who show up to volunteer with delicious pastries (thanks Bridget!) or show up on a Sunday night to notarize (thanks Staci! and thanks for the Girl Scout cookie hookup through your daughter) and my mom and Carol who answered my please help me I'm drowning I need food help calls last week. I have cried out of both frustration and gratitude this weekend.
Weekly food prep is leftovers. Leftovers are saving us this week. Thanks again Mom and Carol!

While I would do most of the fuckery of the weekend over, a do over would mean I'd lose the help from our family and friends, so I can't throw the baby out with the bathwater. You take the good you take the bad you take 'em both and there you have the facts of life...the facts of life.
How was yours?
That storm was no joke - I was happy they let us go early from work! xo, Biana-BlovedBoston
ReplyDeleteI was begging for an early release from work but no. My tutoring/nanny job canceled so I was super happy to be home early. Even happier we didn’t lose power and very happy that it stopped raining by the time I met friends for dinner.
ReplyDeleteSaturday was a movie and total exhaustion and Sunday was chores and church.
How can I help Mike from CT? Please let me know.
I'm usually thankful to come into work after weekends like that -- a chance to sit and focus on other things. Hope your job is like that so you can take some time to breathe today! I think March is just trying to prove that it can still come in like a lion ... but enough already.
ReplyDeleteWow - thank God it's Monday? Can you send me the link to donate to Mike's campaign? I'm off FB for Lent...
ReplyDeleteHoly mother you need to sit on your ass for a day. Your weekend exhausts me and I ran a 20 mile race on Saturday. Hope you get your balance back it sounds like you need it but so awesome you have so much framily you've surrounded yourself with! Happy Monday and it my birthday! Boom!
ReplyDeleteSo glad that you made it home and didnt get stuck in the city, but a HUGE bummer about the power outage...and the other things we texted about. Your food pics are making me salivate!
ReplyDeleteAhh - people step up in the worst of times, dont they? Makes it all a little more doable.
ReplyDeleteI kept seeing all the reports on that storm & was shocked. Glad its over & hopefully that's the end of the bad weather for awhile!
Phew . . . I don't think that's a weekend to repeat . . . and perhaps you need a weekend from your weekend! Love that you have family and framily to lean on!
ReplyDeletegratitude tears are the best tears. I'm loving following on this journey with you.
ReplyDeleteTotally in awe of all the good you and Mike Doyle do.
ReplyDeleteLove. Your. Momma.
Having people you can count on is truly uplifting and humbling. I'm excited for both you and Mike and the difference you guys can make!
ReplyDeleteAll the love to you. That is all.
ReplyDeleteGood luck to MFD as Election Day draws near and I hope you can at least rest this weekend. I hope good results and a pedicure or massage are in your future as a thanks for your hard work!
ReplyDeleteMatt had a rough time Friday afternoon too. He got on at Suburban and when he got to Jefferson they told everyone to get off, all lines down. He walked to City Hall and took the subway and then caught the 55 bus which took him to the Willow Grove Mall where I picked him up and we arrived home to no power. It took him 3.5 hours to get home, which is better than being totally stranded but still a bummer! I'm hoping this storm for Wednesday turns out to be much ado about nothing, but it's not looking good.
ReplyDeleteGot a little chuckle at the title of this post but I can see why and it shouldn't be funny. Friday was not in your favor but thankfully you were saved by an amazing and reliable friend. I love to hear you have such a strong support system to get you through the days. Amazing food brought your way and so much support for MFD's campaign from your close ones and newcomers. Sounds like a successful milestone! Emily @ Martinis & Bikinis
ReplyDeleteI've been thinking the past few months (for obvious reasons) about how crazy it is that despite all of the technology and innovation we have now, weather still just completely fucks us up.
ReplyDeleteBruce's face in that one photo - LOL!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad your power wasn't out for too long, but that'd SUCK in this weather.
Gosh, I love all the stories of family and friends and strangers-turned-friends helping you guys out!! Nothing's better than humans being good to one another!
Facts of life is stuck in my head now! You are so lucky to have a great ladies to help you out! I am so sorry about the logistical nightmare between the car, the poop and the power. Glad you can see the silver lining and got a book and nail paint in to boot!
ReplyDeleteSo glad you had help and support! And that the power was only out over night!
ReplyDeleteI always go into panic mode when the power goes out. It happens here mostly in the summer.
I'm sorry, but "Welcome to the poop house" had me cracking up! Haha.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you guys weren't without power for long, and that you've had so much love and support with the campaign.