Thursday, March 8, 2018

Thursday Thoughts - say what you wanna say and let the words fall out

1. Every day is International Women's Day in my house, but today is the official day. Press for progress, women.

2. What a feminist is/is not.

3. What a feminist is definitely fucking not.
And sorry, I can't resist. But I'm with you Amy Siskind. Remember when people when nuts because Obama wore a tan suit? This guy’s got dick pics about to be released, attempted to pay off a stripper, likely violated election law in the process, and then neglected to sign the contract so it’s all coming out anyway.

4. Birthday sneakers. Blue? Gray? Neither? The blue are a more me color but I think I like the execution of the gray better. ONE WEEK OUT, people. Birthday. One week.

5. Thanks so much for the supportive words on yesterday's post. It's very freeing to put it out there, warts and all, and own your fuckups and still feel supported. Especially when reporters call wanting to talk to your husband specifically about everything he’s ever done wrong. What a world we live in. Truly, from both me and MFD...thank you. And try it, living your full truth. You'll always have support from me.

6. Me: let me open the shore house this weekend! March: Sit down. Yesterday's scene. Another storm forecasted for Monday. MFD was out for hours shoveling us and neighbors out. I was working and if we’re speaking freely which we always are here, avoiding the shoveling.

7. Some days I just fucking can't. This is happening, and it's not happening only to the criminals everyone loves to wave around when they say they don’t like immigrants. This is happening to human beings doing everything right. Read the whole thing here on janefultonalt instagram. I couldn't even go back and screenshot it again. I ask the same, Jane. Can this be my country? I mean, it clearly is. How can this be my country? Clean DREAM Act now. And stop the demonization, torturing, and harassment of immigrants. Is ICE the SS? What in the fuck is happening while we sit in our houses and bitch about stupid shit? Get on the phone or the ResistBot. Make the calls. You know what to do. 

8. Show Us Your Books on Tuesday - sneak peak: I stayed up until 2 am to finish this book. That's a sure recommendation. Bruce apparently likes to read too. He prefers kindles.

9. Reminder.

10. E-card of the week. Chill, nor'easters. 
I'm preparing for the upcoming Nor'easter by not living in the Northeast.
Today is my Mom Mom's birthday - I grew up at that fierce knee. She has more to do with who I am and how I am than even my parents. I've missed her every day for over 20 years now, but I've always felt her when I needed her. They do not leave us, only their bodies do. 

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