1. Continue with the 40 min of exercise a day for the 40 days of Lent - check
2. Get back to a good water intake - I haven't been good the past two weeks and you can see it on my face - better but still not to the level I am usually at
3. Stop driving myself crazy with what if scenarios. I normally excel at not borrowing worry but when a big life change happens I have to work hard to get control of that again. This campaign life is a big change and I need to find my balance. better but not back to myself
1. Get comfort pack items to Mike for distribution in Kensington Nope
2. Donate to Higher Heights and She Should Run for Women's History Month Yes
3. Figure out the local food connection for my neighborhood and set up a drop off point Attempted to organize, not enough interest
1. Pretty Bird Coffee in Yardley nope
2. Bell's Market nope
3. New bread nope
1. Birthday shoes - it's my annual gift to myself to purge and add to my shoe collection No luck, still looking
2. A thirty-one bin for the shore for guests to use to tote beach stuff - benefits Team Eva the Diva for the March of Dimes. Please check it out if you're in need of any 31 stuff, the cause is near to my heart. Yes
3. A rose gold eyeshadow from LipSense - Also a Team Eva the Diva benefit with proceeds going to the March of Dimes team. Anyone can join/buy from the party! I got two eyeshadows from the benefit and a rose gold from Jill (but didn't order that one until 4/3)
1. Paint shore house closet scheduled for 4/8
2. Transition planner and self organization system to an electronic/paper hybrid Yes
3. Set up recommendations tab on blog - never got to that in February No
No check
Yes check
This weekend will be spent finishing up petitions for MFD's campaign, trying to stay dry, I'm sure cleaning up dog pee and poop inside since they will refuse to go out in the rain, and making a birthday month to do list.
Whatever you do, I hope it's exactly what you need.
2. Donate to Higher Heights and She Should Run for Women's History Month Yes
3. Figure out the local food connection for my neighborhood and set up a drop off point Attempted to organize, not enough interest
1. Pretty Bird Coffee in Yardley nope
2. Bell's Market nope
3. New bread nope
1. Birthday shoes - it's my annual gift to myself to purge and add to my shoe collection No luck, still looking
2. A thirty-one bin for the shore for guests to use to tote beach stuff - benefits Team Eva the Diva for the March of Dimes. Please check it out if you're in need of any 31 stuff, the cause is near to my heart. Yes
3. A rose gold eyeshadow from LipSense - Also a Team Eva the Diva benefit with proceeds going to the March of Dimes team. Anyone can join/buy from the party! I got two eyeshadows from the benefit and a rose gold from Jill (but didn't order that one until 4/3)
1. Paint shore house closet scheduled for 4/8
2. Transition planner and self organization system to an electronic/paper hybrid Yes
3. Set up recommendations tab on blog - never got to that in February No
No check
Yes check
This weekend will be spent finishing up petitions for MFD's campaign, trying to stay dry, I'm sure cleaning up dog pee and poop inside since they will refuse to go out in the rain, and making a birthday month to do list.
Whatever you do, I hope it's exactly what you need.