Thursday, February 1, 2018

Thursday Thoughts - gonna fly now

1. We have survived the longest month of winter. Can I get a hell yeah?

2. I gathered prints to change out wall decor in January. Here we are, February 1. Same stuff on the walls. Better luck this month? Here’s how I did on my January 7. Good thing I wasn't set to do anything this week. All I've done is read and sleep. 

3. Monday I went to an acupuncturist who specializes in the tender point release technique. The needles go into a trigger point and are manipulated until what is locked up releases and sort of twitches out. It is really bizarre but lord did it help. I cannot believe all the shit jammed up on my right side, having a pinched nerve in my neck since June and not realizing it was a pinched nerve. She is awesome - if anyone is considering acupuncture for musculoskeletal  or sports injuries, you must get in with this woman. I go back next week but just the first visit was a tremendous relief. I forgot what it was like to feel almost normal. I came home and slept like the dead for 10 hours. 

4. About that sleeping...I have a water based pillow, a rolled up towel at the base of my neck, and a pillow under my knees. I am like an un-mummified mummy. When Cameron was in Egypt’s land...whatever, I don't care, I will do what I need to do to maintain pain-free living.
5. Did you know the jury system will now text you that you are excused? I got the text yesterday afternoon with my get out of jury duty free card for today. 

6. I trekked over to South Philly yesterday to pick up an Eagles shirt I was dumb enough to pre-order but not ship to myself. I figured let me go to a part of the city I don't see too often! Fool. Google told me the wrong gaht damn time for the store opening and I was too early by an hour, so I slunk my ass back to Center City. At least I saw some good street art, which I love. And the awesome guy at South Fellini is sending my shirt to me overnight. 
7. What are you making for the super bowl? Cool to have the hometown team in it and all but let’s be real the snacks are where it’s at. We’re going out because MFD refuses to stay home. I will be appearing in lounge attire. I think I'm making these bacon wrapped tater tots as an app and I may be in need of an easily transportable/no fuss dessert. Any ideas? I'm not averse to buying. 

8. No, I did not watch the State of the Union. I do not listen to trump speak because it makes me physically ill. I read the transcript the next day, which is also vomit inducing. Instead I watched Bruce Springsteen chase his tail because that is more productive than the jagoffs in charge of this country. Otherwise, this week in politics, racist rhetoric everywhere concerning immigrants, constitutional crisis with the president refusing to apply sanctions against Russia that Congress overwhelmingly voted into law, Nunes made changes to the memo he sent to the White House without getting them approved by the Committee, and oh, fuck it, I'm done for the week. Except for this Mad TV skit that is how the modern republican party is approaching life and this American Constitution Society for Law and Policy report on how illegal the activities in opposition to Mueller and his investigation are. Okay okay I'm really done. Unless anyone is interested in donating to MFD's State Rep campaign - he is now official and able to take contributions. If we want to keep corporate money out of politics we need to pony up to support people. 
9. Reminder: 

10. E-card of the week: 

Any thoughts to share with the class this week?

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