In case no one hits you up on this Hallmark holiday, I see you. I think you have a lot to offer the world just being who you are. Your mere presence in this life is valuable.
The title of this post is not referencing the actual five love languages - although mine is acts of service in case you're interested (ie cut the talk and DO SOMETHING, so fitting to my personality) - but more pedestrian ways you can speak my love language.
1. Produce brownies that are fudgey, not dry and cakey.
2. Be a feminist in the true sense of the word - be for ALL women, not just those in your race or class or religion and not just those who would make the same choices you would make in every circumstance.
3. Play Bruce Springsteen.
4. Tell me and the world about a cause that means something to you.
5. When I say no or I can't, leave it at that.
6. Don’t crowd me on the beach and don’t feed the freaking seagulls.
7. Embrace your weirdness and let your freak flag fly. We are all a little weird if we're honest with ourselves. I love weird things and people.
8. Respect my need to recharge alone after time with people.
9. Know I like to stand still and enjoy my ice cream cone, not walk while eating it.
10. Be prepared to discuss Dirty Dancing in depth as if the people are real. But don't expect me to be out on dance floors for real.
What are some ways people speak your love language? If this post sounds familiar, you might have read it before.

4. Tell me and the world about a cause that means something to you.
5. When I say no or I can't, leave it at that.
6. Don’t crowd me on the beach and don’t feed the freaking seagulls.
7. Embrace your weirdness and let your freak flag fly. We are all a little weird if we're honest with ourselves. I love weird things and people.
8. Respect my need to recharge alone after time with people.
9. Know I like to stand still and enjoy my ice cream cone, not walk while eating it.
10. Be prepared to discuss Dirty Dancing in depth as if the people are real. But don't expect me to be out on dance floors for real.
What are some ways people speak your love language? If this post sounds familiar, you might have read it before.