Unless you're Bruce Springsteen. Then the answer is yes. This dog cannot get enough of the snow. It's nice to have another snow loving dog like my Geege was.
Yesterday I worked from home due to the weird weather. I love working from home because no commute gives me at least two additional hours and I can spend my lunch time getting my shit in order.
Scenes from the snow day:
Snoozy dogs, clean sheets, a man who waits for low temps and high winds to put the glass front door in, los perros waiting for ham handouts from MFD's split pea soup, Gris, my dinner.
After iced coffee, peppermint tea. Candles all day, Mae will not be persuaded to go outside, snoozy Bruce after running and playing in the snow many many many times, and tarted up my nails (Essie Cashmere Bathrobe and Sally Insta-Dri Set Sail topped with Sally Insta-Dri Grape Shifter).
And I ate. Everything. What is it about snow that makes me hungry?
I purchased The New Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day thanks to Rachael's recommendation and pre-ordered Fire and Fury: Inside the trump White House - not my type of book but it will go up his ass so, yes. Sold.
I kept my eye on any number of groups and accounts on Facebook for photos of the shore every time I got an emergency alert from the city. Ocean City got fucking hammered. We will not go down this weekend because they're still trying to clean up the streets and we don't need to be in the way. We'll go down and check it out next weekend.
Today it's the big ass freeze. I hope you're staying inside. I might not leave the house until Monday. It's not fit for man or beast out there.
Happy happy birthday to my father-in-law today!
Have a good weekend my friends!