1. All I have eaten this week is bread and pasta. No regrets, but for the sake of transparency this is what I look and feel like today.
2. Wednesday morning I woke up tired. I got a shower and was toweling off when I realized I hadn’t used soap. Not an auspicious start to the day.
3. I haven't watched the NFL in a long time for a variety of reasons, but it is exciting to have your hometown team in the Super Bowl. Not exciting: watching everyone pull their dick out like they are the biggest fan ever and scoffing at people who are simply caught up in the excitement. Sorry, there is no award for biggest fan. Please take several seats on your couch. ANYWAY if you are looking for Eagles gear, because, like me, you have none and need to wear it to work the Friday before the Super Bowl for a staff photo opp, please consider shopping
Lane Johnson's collection - all proceeds are donated to the Fund for the School District of Philadelphia. You can also
buy underdog shirts through the NFL because at first
those greedy dicks were not giving ANY money to charity but
they were shamed into it and now 100% of the proceeds will go to the Fund for the SDofP. There are always your street corner peeps and your local t-shirt jawns too - their proceeds don't go to charity, but we've all got to eat. If you've gotta have that underdog mask, you can get it at
Oldiescom - stock was expected in yesterday - and 65% of the profit goes to the fund for the Philly School District. If you never watch football or if you don't regularly root for the Eagles but are going to in the Super Bowl - have at it. Don't let any crotchedy super fan ruin your fun.
4. I have the worst neck pain and it's been going on for months, radiating down my back and arm and up over my head. The chiro, massages, and daily stretches haven’t even touched it. I ordered a water based pillow that's supposed to arrive today. I finally went to the doctor yesterday and she thinks it's a pinched nerve. I should have gone sooner. Acupuncture, here I finally come.
5. Full steam ahead on shore house booking.
I only have three weeks left to rent: one in mid-June, one in early July, and the last week of August, as well as Memorial Day Weekend. We're going down to check on the house this weekend and drop off new lights that are getting installed on Monday. That quick visit will only intensify my desire to be back down there every weekend. Soon. Soon.
6. Based on what I see online, people are still uninformed about who exactly these Dreamers are and what they can and can't do or get in this country. Please read below and call your rep to demand a Clean Dream Act NOW. If you read the below you will see there is no harm in having them here, there are actual GAINS. If you read below and still want them kicked out back to countries they have no knowledge of because of a misguided notion that they’re taking something from Americans, man... Based on what I saw in person Monday night at a town council meeting about
a local police force in Bensalem, PA, (the town next to me) wanting to be part of ICE's 287g program, people hate brown immigrants but are okay with white immigrants. What I personally encountered there literally made my hair stand on end. I felt like it was 1950 and I was standing at a water fountain in the south next to a hateful white lady only she was wearing a Build the Wall pin instead of standing under a No Coloreds sign. It’s racism. When will people see that?

7. MFD is running for state rep of our district, the 170th. You know I can't share something here without being authentic and that won’t change now. I am not stepping behind the campaign glass. It’s been easy for me to urge people to run for office my entire life, but it was not easy to accept that my husband was going to do it. Not because I don't believe in or support him and not because I don't think he will be great and truly work hard to make his community a better place - he does that now as a regular guy - but because as a spouse this is an exposed and vulnerable place to be. I remember looking at a piece of mail from the current representative's supporters before Election Day that was a personal attack against the last democrat who ran for the position and I felt absolutely sick to my stomach. That's the shit I hate, you know? And everyone says
well that's politics. Bullshit. If you can't beat someone on merit and resort to personally attacking them and their families, you shouldn't be in the race and you sure as shit do not belong in government. That sentiment times 1000 in this current political climate. Don't worry, me being me - and a condition of him running was that I would still be out here being me and not propped up as the candidate's wife who smiles and shuts her mouth (can you imagine?) - I will not be shy about discussing anything like that. We are regular people living regular lives-the kind of people I want in government. I think people fear getting involved in politics because there's this idea that you have to go behind a wall and do and say everything perfectly. Hey world, that's fucking impossible because no one is perfect. Maybe we got where we are because we bought in too much to the polished person with the right sound bite instead of expecting them to roll up their sleeves and work alongside of us to make this world a place that’s good for all of us. If you're so inclined, please like
Mike Doyle for PA Representative on FB and follow
Mike Doyle for PA on Twitter. Don't worry, Shit MFD Said will still be happening. We're still here, the regular people we've always been, involved in our own personal thermostat and toilet paper wars with MFD telling me at 10:12 pm Tuesday night that he is announcing a candidacy live from the living room the next night at 7. This is us. Here we are, just like you. Put regular people back in politics. Let’s make that a thing.
8. Wins: This week there was a big
PA Gerrymandering win - this will fix the districts this time around, but not the overall process, so if you are a PA resident please urge your representatives to enact Senate Bill 22 and House Bill 722 to ensure fair districts going forward. If you don't know who your rep is or the difference between State House and State Senate, contact me and I will help. This benefits all voters across the political spectrum-not politicians. Voters. Also.
The Larry Nassar trial. WARRIOR WOMEN facing this shitstain on humanity. Judge actually giving justice. Men crying about her being mean. STFU he sexually abused over 160 young girls.
9. Reminder:
10. E-card of the week:
What's cooking with you?