
Tuesday, September 5, 2017

TWTW - the long one with the 40th

Thursday night shore arrival, Friday half day of work then on to celebrating MFD's 40th birthday with a sunrise, bike ride, breakfast at Ove's, very chilly fishing on the beach in the North End, deep tissue massages and reflexology at Sea Wave, and a dinner at Cousin's. It was a good day aside from Gus waking us up after 4.5 hours of sleep with a shitting escapade. At least it was on the floor? And ensured both of us were up for sunrise? Looking for the positives. 
Saturday our last weekly renters of the summer checked out and left the house immaculate which was awesome. MFD knew her from band and it is always great to have people we know upstairs! I changed the comforter out on the top floor - I have not been happy with any that have been up there so far - picked up shrimp from 16th Street, went to the library, assembled furniture, made pulled pork and Mom's cranberry walnut feta salad, and sat on the porch staring at the relentless rain. Jenny and Evan and crew arrived around dinner and Angie shortly thereafter.
Sunday we did the beach followed by baked ziti, tomato pie, and veggies and dip at home. Amanda and Frank and this bunny rabbit arrived for dinner and homemade ice cream cake from A La Mode which as awesome homemade ice cream cake and cheaper than Carvel. Debbie had arrived by the time we got back from picking up the cake. We sang to all the September 1 babies then hit the boards for rides and more food before we collapsed and crashed at home.
Monday was a truly spectacular sunrise for the unofficial end of summer. I did a lot of food prep in the morning and we all hit the beach early. Nicole and Mark and co. arrived in the early afternoon and Evan and Jenny & co. left late afternoon. Taco night and seeing Angie and Debbie off, then a trip to the boards for more rides and food we didn't need. Frank & Amanda took off when we got home, and we dropped into bed exhausted shortly thereafter. Oh, and Monday morning? I woke up with poop ON MY ARM. Gus is having major issues from the antibiotics they gave him after his dental work. Horrified does not begin to describe waking up with poop on one's arm. 

Fabulous weekend with a revolving door of framily to enjoy the days with. This is what life is about, right?

I'm still off today to enjoy the shit out of a quiet shore town. I'm off tomorrow too but that's for things like visiting a carpet place and cleaning and probably going to the laundromat and measuring dressers. You know. Not super fun but necessary stuff.

Ciao bellas. For those of you lamenting the loss of this season, remember that t's always summer in your heart.

Happy birthday Jamie today! Happy school time to Lola Jean and all the other kids!

Linking up with Biana at B Loved Boston for Weekending


  1. Oh man... when we had to give Bruno antibiotics, I just wanted to sleep on a cot outside with him because, yeah, I feel ya.

  2. Hooray for a fabulous weekend of celebrating at the shore! I'm very excited about fall coming up, but I know as soon as the first cold front comes through, I'll be missing summer!

  3. That bunny head is kind of creepy haha. Other than that it looks like a great celebration! That breakfast looks amazing.

  4. This looks like such an awesome way to close out summer! Except for the poop on your arm. That's unfortunate.

  5. Nooooooooooo to the poop on the arm! Sounds like despite that, it was a fantastic weekend, and you're right that sunrise is stunning!!

  6. Sounds like such a wonderful weekend except for the poop!! Hope MFD had an amazing birthday. When do you guys usually close up the shore house for the season? Will you be back down there for your own personal use into October or do you finish up there soon? Just curious. :) I am trying to embrace the change into fall, which is my favourite season, but holding on to summer just a little bit too :)

  7. That bunny head scared me! Sorry about the poop, old dogs are funny in some good and some bad ways. A weekend full of fun and framily was the perfect way to celebrate a big birthday and the end of the season.

  8. Hey - thanks for not including a poop-on-the-arm pic! Hope Gus is feeling better though. Love the sunrise photos -- sounds like a great weekend all around (arm poop excepted).

  9. Oh no!!! Poop on the arm? That is where I draw the line. Poor gus. And poor you! It sounds like you guys had a spectacular weekend!! I haven't had ice cream cake in so long and it sounds sooooo good!!!!! That sunrise on Monday is seriously amazing.

  10. 💩 hawking. Ew. But such an awesome long weekend celebration, who cares about 💩On your arm lol. Dreams keep coming true. Thanks to the universe ❣️ love. Your. Momma.

  11. So much fun in one weekend! It sounds like MFD had an awesome birthday weekend-- a homemade ice cream cake sounds wonderful!

  12. That looks like it was a fabulous weekend!

  13. What a weekend! Sounds like MFD had an amazing start to his 40th birthday weekend with fishing, massages, good food and greater company all around minus poor Gus getting sick. Life seems great at the shore and the perfect place to decompress from work and celebrate birthdays and just life!

  14. I'm one of the people lamenting the loss of summer!! :( Not ready for fall and cold and 4:30 sunsets just yet!!!

  15. Happy birthday to MFD! Does he appreciate the sunrises as much as you? Jacob is not a morning person. He would tell me to go alone. Haha! I hope Gus is feeling better soon. Poor pup!

  16. Happy birthday MFD! Sounds like excellent celebrations all around.

    Apart from the poop on the arm situation. That's just upsetting.


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