Monday, August 14, 2017

TWTW - the one at the lake

A three day weekend to relax in the company of some of my favorite women.

Dock time, snacks, cupcakes and shopping, magazine reading while dogs snored in my ear, floats, flags, coffee, strong women and social conviction talk, mimosas,
lake time, reflections, sunshine, tomato sandwiches and grilled corn a la Jack, country road rides, gas experiments, selfies,
new bracelets from Debbie Rae Designs, bonding time with women I love, quiet serenity, and wet your pants funny Cards Against Humanity.
And dogs. Always, always dogs, including Lori & Jack's newest lady Layla the puppy. Thanks to Lori for hosting and welcoming all of us, human and furry.
Weekly food prep: breakfast is breakfast burritos from the freezer. Lunches are baked chicken thighs over pasta salad. Dinners are corn on the cob, grilled barbecue chicken drums and thighs, potato salad, and pasta salad. Snacks are plums and peaches and sliced tomatoes.
Nails are Essie S'il Vous Play, mood is fucking pissed. If you attempt to deflect conversations away from Nazis on the street in Charlottesville, VA, in 2017 to discuss how Black Lives Matter is wrong, you might be a racist. I might address this more tomorrow if I can do it in a way where I can avoid a self-induced aneurysm. Otherwise, my Saturday thoughts on it here. I am not suitable for public consumption right now.

How was yours?

Linking up with Biana at B Loved Boston for Weekending
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