Three things I've enjoyed lately
1. Drinking iced mint tea in the afternoons
2. Getting lost in books, one after the other
3. Seeing Americans rise up
Three things I dislike participating in
1. Exercises in futility
2. Trash removal
3. Traffic
Three things I don't feel like doing anymore
1. Engaging with people who don't understand how the world works
2. Weeding
3. Commuting
Three reading behaviors I hate
1. When people have to be contrarian about books, like they hate every popular book just because other people like it or because they will not admit they've taken everyone's opinion as fact and hyped it up to a level of greatness it absolutely could never achieve. Sometimes I don't like popular books. Sometimes I do. Neither makes me special. The same applies to you.
2. When people say they don't have time to read. If you have time to watch TV or type on your phone, you have the time to read. It is not your priority and that's okay but it is not a lack of time issue unless you literally have no time to do anything that involves leisure. If that is the case I feel terrible for you.
3. When books are treated like museum pieces. I consider them living, breathing things. That gets a little messy.
Three books I’ve loved this year
1. The Kate Burkholder series by Linda Castillo and the most recent installment of the Fina Ludlow series by Ingrid Thoft: Duplicity
2. A Million Junes by Emily Henry
3. Words in Deep Blue by Cath Crowley
Three books I'm looking forward to reading
1. Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman
2. Cocoa Beach by Beatriz Williams
3. This is How it Always Is by Laurie Frankel
Three things I'm excited to do this year
1. Attend the Pennsylvania Conference for Women
2. Get a runner installed on the stairs at the shore
3. Hunt for a piece of replacement wood furniture in thrift stores
Three things I’m glad I did this year
1. Cancelled our vacation in April
2. Went to DC for the Women's March on January 21
3. Updated the tattoo on my back
Stole some of Jana's prompts and added some of my own. Now you go!
If you liked this, you might like these posts: Three Things the original, Three Things November
I haven't had a super crazy commute since I lived in Houston, anywhere from 45 min to close to 2 hours depending on traffic. That was a few years ago. However, now that I changed jobs I'm back at a long commute again. I've only had to do this for 6 days so far but I already hate it & am hoping to start looking at moving for next school year as soon as I know if I'll be staying or not. Stealing this idea by the way! I love it!
ReplyDeleteI've recently started getting excited about home improvement things and it makes me feel so adult. It's depressing (boo spending money) and exciting (yay new things!) at the same time.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the book recommendations -- I'm finishing a series soon and need some ideas. I *could* just work on my Goodreads TBR list ... or I could just keep adding to it too. I'm tired of people who a) claim they have no time to read; or b) have no books out in their homes. I'm pretty sure every single room in my house has an overflowing bookcase (most of them have been read at least once) and I wouldn't want it any other way.
ReplyDeleteI'm excited to go to girls weekend this August and a new grandchicken and renovating our beautiful high-celinged room.
ReplyDeleteLove. Your. Momma.
I tried to have an apostrophe after girls ' above and it kept disappearing. FYI.
ReplyDeleteI love the Eleanor Oliphant title. It's on my TBR for that and the cover alone. The time thing is so true. We make time for things we think are important and we tend to think other people's lives inside our phones are VERY important and the more time we give them, the more time they take. I have built in reading at a specific time every day - I make time for it. Sometimes, sleep takes precedence but usually, I do it for me and I'm glad I did. Going to have to do my own three things post soon!
ReplyDeleteI don't read as often as I'd like to, but I know it's my own fault. I have the time- I just tend to do other things with it sometimes.
ReplyDeleteWeeding is the absolute worst. I freaking hate it.
I loved This is How it Always Is. I'm anxious to hear what you think of it!
ReplyDeleteThe 'not having time to read' thing drives me nuts too. That excuse drives me nuts for anything actually. Like when people say they wish they were clean and organized like me but they don't have time... and then proceed to give me a full rundown of the last episode of Game of Thrones. Think we just found where your time is going there, huh?
ReplyDeleteI might steal this.
ReplyDeletePulling weeds is making me look forward to winter SO MUCH.
I think getting into the routine of reading is key. You don't have time because you don't have the routine...for these people, it might take a month-long challenge or something to shake things up. (speaking from experience lol)
I love when you do these 3 things posts! Yess to sometimes liking (& sometimes not) really popular books-- it's not ever that serious. Cocoa Beach and Eleanor Oliphant are both on my tbr too.
ReplyDeleteFor the past few months, I've been saying I don't have time to read, but looking back I now know that I was just in a reading funk. I couldn't find anything I was interested in so I just wasn't making time for reading. I'm working to flip that around.
ReplyDeleteHow do you make your iced mint tea? Black mint teabags or do you use actual mint leaves? If the former, what brand do you like for iced tea brewing? This has been plaguing me since spring.
ReplyDelete+1000 to all the reading behaviors. I used to treat my books like museum pieces and items to be hoarded. I have downsized tremendously over the last couple years, I'd guess getting rid of over half my stuff, and that finally started including books when I realized they were better off in the hands of someone who would read them NOW, rather than sitting on a shelf because I highlighted that one line or wanted to reread them in a few decades.
I'll always be glad, proud, honored to have been at the Women's March.
Love this.
ReplyDeleteCommuting.. THE WORST!
I love looking through thrift stores for furniture & finding the right fit.
People saying they don't have time to read irks me too. MY advice is always: carry a book with you. Then, all of a sudden your idle time waiting for appointments turns into reading time!
ReplyDeleteI need to figure out my next tattoo, but I haven't thought of anything that jumps out to me yet.
ReplyDeleteOhh iced mint teas sounds awesome for my diet these days. Do you have a recipe?
ReplyDeleteThe I dont have time to read thing annoys me too. It annoys me more that I've said it. Thankfully reading has always been second nature to me from childhood so I always make the time again ... even after slump periods. Also i have been guilty of treating some books like museum pieces. There are a few books that I cannot see myself ever getting rid of. Ever. I recognize its silly though. Admittance is the first step to cure lol
It irritates me when people say they are too busy to read because too often it's subtle shade - like I'm so busy and want to list everything I'm doing so you can feel sympathy for me and feel bad because you have so much time on your hands to read a book. Err ... not interested in playing that game with you. Kate Burkeholder is a must-read before year-end for me. I just gotta plow through some netgalley books and Erin's challenge first.
ReplyDeleteMint iced tea sounds delicious and perfect. I think I need to pick some up.
ReplyDeleteUnder reading behaviors #1, you know I agree with this 100%
I totally agree that everybody has time to read, unless of course they're working literally all the time. I know that I wouldn't be reading as much if I didn't have a commute because I don't prioritize it enough when I'm at home.
ReplyDeleteI cannot handle engaging with those people as well. Unfortunately one is my mother, which makes it harder. I am ignoring weeding, it has gotten beyond my control. That is what I get for living in a tropical swamp! I made time to read on the porch yesterday after work and it was so lovely. I need to do it more often. Now if I had a train commute, I would read like a banshee, instead I drive and listen to podcasts, that kind of counts, right?!
ReplyDeletemy mom always made mint tea in the summers - it is so good and refreshing although I feel like not many people know about it. I hear you on priorities/reading... if I can read one book a month, I'm happy but would never complain about not having enough time. happy august!
ReplyDeleteApartment living = no weeding. I love it. Also, I feel like my reading behaviors have been lacking lately. I've been forcing myself to read 50 pages a day after work and I love it, but I need to keep it up so it becomes part of my routine no matter what.
ReplyDeleteI have been sipping iced mango green tea this summer :) I need to do some mint! I love the way your tattoo turned out, so pretty! I hate when people don't like things in general just because they are popular. I mean sure, some things aren't for everyone. But a good book is popular for a reason, it was well written!
ReplyDeleteHad some blog writers block, this will help me get writing again.
ReplyDeleteTraffic and commuting will be the death of me! So wish I could eliminate thatand stupid people from my life! Emily @ Martinis & Bikinis
ReplyDeleteYES to the reading behaviors especially.. 2 and 3 and okay all 3 of them. the time to read just makes me roll my eyes. just say it's not a priority or you don't like to. not a big deal!