Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Unintentional habits

MFD basically loses his shit every time I get out of his car because he swears that I slam the door. I automatically say I don't, but maybe I do. I don't know. If I do, it's not done intentionally. I think he thinks I'm making some sort of statement, but really what I am is in the unintentional habit of slamming doors.

Which of course led me to think about what other unintentional habits I have. Habit has a huge impact on our daily lives, and of course we work on cutting down some that we know to be bad and cultivating some that we believe to be good, but what about the unintentional ones we pick up along the way? Since they're unintentional, I had to think on what others have noticed that I do.

I gravitate to signs in public, designed or scrawled, faded or new. I could waste a ton of travel hours looking at them and taking photos of them.

I say thing too much, in reference to everything. The thing. That thing. You know, things. Things That...

I rub my nose really hard in a circle when I'm tired. Both of my brothers do this too.

I rub my feet together when I'm sitting or just as I'm about to fall asleep.

When making a shopping list, I group things by where I think they would be in a store even if I'm ordering them online or haven't been to that particular store.

I speak conversationally to my dogs in public. I know I do this at home and it's intentional. I had no idea I did this in public until someone along my dog walking route at the shore thought I was talking to them.

What has someone pointed out to you that you've come to realize is an unintentional habit?

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