1. I'm pretty sure my best boy Geege has close to no teeth left. He was under for yet another dental surgery yesterday at the ripe old age of 13. He is not doing great this morning, he still has a ton of mucus from being under and he's generally pissed off and in pain. Spare a good thought for him if you have one please!
2. I'm coming into this Thursday Thoughts on a wing and a prayer today. I'm getting hammered at work and with personal commitments and to dos for the second week in a row. I am a rabbit on the run. Hell I have not even blogged about our time in Emerald Isle and I have no
Shit MFD Said prepared for this month. My plan on Sunday is to go nowhere, do nothing, and talk to no one. I need to just stop.
3. Sunday night it rained like mad at the shore. I had to get up at 12:30, walk through the flooded streets, and move my car. I fell asleep after 1 and got up at 4:30. Not a good start to the week. There are curbs and roads under there somewhere.
Tuesday night I had an unexpected outing to the Trenton Thunder game with MFD's company and some clients who happen to be framily. I say unexpected because he told me I didn't have to go then at 4:43 pm he was like it would be weird if you didn't go. So I went and when we left I said I totally didn't need to go and he said nope. But don't worry, it was fine. Like 60 degrees and raining. tra la la la laaaaaa
5. Happy Nordstrom sale to me. Look at these fucking sweet athleisure shoes.
6. Every once in a while, something happens that makes me so insane I am nearly frothing at the mouth. It is often not a big thing, but a little one...one that signifies the erosion of American ideals and norms. Your president's speech in front of the Boy Scouts of America is that thing. If you missed it,
here's the 14 most inappropriate moments from the speech. There is no excuse. It is downright inappropriate and bizarre. The crowd interaction is reminiscent of Hitler Youth rallies, which makes sense because like Hitler this would be authoritarian figure attacks the free press, has vilified a minority group, created a list of crimes committed by immigrants, uses nationalism to stoke the flames in failing communities, and is now spreading propaganda at youth rallies. Do not look away from this. Do not normalize it. There is nothing normal about attempting to influence or corrupt young minds and hearts this way. It is the Boy Scout tradition to invite the sitting President to speak at their Jamboree. He abused his privilege as that speaker. It's shameful and embarrassing to inject adult themes and politics and harassment and insanity into a speech made to a group that was largely under the age of 18. He's a 70 year old grown ass man and president of the fucking United States of America and he should know better or he should be under the care of a physician because he is delusional and insane like all dictators. Plenty of republican and democrat presidents have made speeches to a mixed crowd without a partisan bias, many of them at this very event. This president seems incapable of that and indeed incapable of making a speech that is not me me me mine mine mine. It is disgusting and it nips at the norms of our nation to make a speech like this one to our children.
7. Every morning, donald trump wakes up with hate in his heart, logs on to twitter, and tries to make himself feel bigger by being a fucking asshole. Transgender peeps, I'm with you. And from
what John McCain released as chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, trump basically made that shit up because as of right now nothing is different than it was when the study started in October. So now the military needs to clean up his mess on this front and don't we all think they have better things to do? This total twitter tantrum lie diversion tactic to take eyes off the shitburger healthcare bill is why people feel like burning shit down in this country. American presidents do not announce policy on Twitter. Also, remember the top tweet? Then, the following actions that were, you know, directly opposite. And don't forget,
this week Department of Justice filed an amicus brief that says Title VII does not protect sexual orientation. Fighting for LGBTQ all over the place, this administration. LYING LIARS WHO FUCKING LIE.
8. Ladies, it is important to stay well when you are trying to enact social or political change.
Read this if you feel like you look like the below barely six months into this administration. The piece is written to women but applies to men too.This is one of those weeks when I could write 498 points on the state of politics and society and still not be out of words.
9. Reminder...like everything else, peace is something you work hard for.
10. E-card of the week. Me times one million.
Use ResistBot.
Show up at their office.
This is your country. These people work for you.
They require your oversight and you need to participate.
Look where we've gotten to by not participating.
They act like our lords and rulers, not our employees.
If their healthcare bill was so good, they'd subject themselves to it.