Friday, May 12, 2017

Aaaand Scene!

I haven't watched Adventures in Babysitting in years, but I think about it an inordinate amount for someone who is not a big fan or frequent watcher. That is entirely attributable to one thing about the movie: Brenda's experiences in the bus station.
Every time I'm in a crazy or weird scene - typically downtown during one of my lunch walks or during a commute - I think I am Brenda. I am Brenda in Adventures in Babysitting and everyone around me is fucking crazy. 

I feel like finding a payphone, closing myself in the booth as I'm watching the shit go down, and calling my bff on the phone to describe the scene. Which makes sense since I am most comfortable in any situation as an observer. I associate it with a desire to share stories. Sometimes sharing is a vehicle in which I can flex a writing muscle. Sometimes I share in hopes of making people think or laugh.

Sometimes I just need to tell people that I saw a woman hand her teeth over to another woman to hold in Dollar General on Wednesday, casual as you please as she said, "Hold my teeth. I forgot to get the Pringles."

Wednesday was a Brenda day for sure. And that bitch Chris never came to pick me up.

 Other I'm Brenda moments here and here.

Enjoy your weekend, and may you not pick up an oversize sewer rat because you have misjudged it for a kitten.

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