
Thursday, March 23, 2017

Thursday Thoughts - sprung from cages out on highway 9

1. I love when I can catch all three dogs in one frame.
2. Hypocrisy.
3. If we're going to start making cuts to get our debt, let's start by cutting from the top with the egregious Mar-a-Lago weekend travel costs and the bills for the first family in NYC and cut the pension of Senators going forward. Let them contribute to a 401k like the rest of us. Let's also cut their wages, because most rank-and-file House and Senate members make $174,000 a year (not getting into any perks) and are not in session for long periods of time. Perhaps if it wasn't so attractive to be in the position, we wouldn't have people camped out there thinking they know better than the constituents that elected them. When will the president introduce those term limits he campaigned on? That was literally the only thing out of his mouth that I supported.
4. I started the 30 days of yoga for beginners this week. I was prepared to hate it as I have every time I've tried yoga previously, but I was surprised to really like it and have a lot of energy after. I think it helped that it's just 16 minutes to ease into it so it's really like lovely stretching. I walk or do weights and tack it on after or do it separately. Picture me like this.
5. I was jazzed to catch up with one of my longtime 25+ year lovelies Melissa over lunch at Marathon Grill on Tuesday. We don't get a ton of face time so it's always much appreciated when we do. I'm really looking forward to our 40th weekend with my junior high and high school girls in June!
6. After much back and forth, MFD and I cancelled our upcoming cruise at the end of April. The timing was awful for us. It's my favorite time at the shore, we have work to do down there, he just started a management position at a new broker, it's his busy season, on and on. Every time I turned around I could come up with another excuse why I didn't want to go and even when I was booking things the thought of going was not exciting me. That's not what vacation is about. I cancelled and felt a million times better. That's how I know it was the right thing to do. We are extending our July vacation to Emerald Isle to include a few days on Ocracoke, so I booked that this week, and I have some extra days for the shore which makes me really happy.

7. Tuesday was a lovely day. Wednesday was in the teens by the evening. This morning it was in the 20s. I saw people in hoodies this morning clearly just like fuck it we're doing what we want.

8. Thanks for our friends Stacey & Joe for dropping off our sign under cover of darkness last night. This is something we can all get behind, regardless of party affiliation, right?
9. Reminder:
10. E-card of the week: 

Linking up with Kristin & Joey 

Stuff, Things, etc.


  1. Do you have a link for the yoga program you mentioned? It sounds interesting!

    1. Heather - It's Fightmaster Yoga Yoga for Beginners 30 Day Challenge with Lesley Fightmaster:

  2. That lawn sign is everything! Going to look that one up for our lawn. Good luck with the yoga and thanks for the namaste chuckle!

  3. GOP hypocrisy. It even rhymes. One thing we can count on from the GOP is hypocrisy to the max. God help and heal all! I have always checked the weather. Now it's imperative! 70's on Saturday. Thanks to the universe❣️❣️❣️ Love. Your. Momma ❣️

  4. LOVE the lawn sign, and I am 1000000000% with you on the hypocrisy and the spending. I've said it a million times, if we cut all of those things, what in the world are we defending??? Plus, who is going to make sure he stops spending all of this money on travel? His trips to Florida are more important than Meals on Wheels?? Ugh, don't get me started.
    I'm glad you guys figured out a better solution than having a stressful vacation that you wouldn't be able to truly enjoy. Plus, the shore is pretty awesome :)

  5. #2, YES, and also applies to the Hilary-bashing crowd who could only say the word EMAILSSSSSSSOMG! And obviously couldn't agree more with #3. What that family is costing NYC is repulsive. Term limits NEED to happen. I remember a few years ago when education/teacher pay was an oft-discussed topic (for all the wrong reasons) the argument that they're "overpaid" (LOOOOOOOOOOOL) was hinged on the fact that they don't work 52 weeks a year. Okay, Congress, thanks for your input on that!

    What yoga series are you following?

    I just cancelled a weekend plan for next month and immediately felt lighter and happier and less stressed. Sometimes it's the best thing!

    Love your sign <3

  6. #3 is so pertinent for me right now. The group I work for in NOAA is set to be eliminated in the first draft of Trump's budget. More than likely this won't happen (fingers crossed). I can understand tightening of belts and trimming budgets, but it seems like the way they are going about it does not take in to account the economic impact of so many of these programs. Tourism and the seafood industry are two big things that will be affected, maybe not tomorrow or next week but it will be impacted. Regulation and monitoring is important and I wish more people could see why. Even those in land locked states often eat seafood or utilize goods brought in via shipping containers. All things that rely on regulation and monitoring. Anyway, sorry for the novel!

  7. Mother Teresa... man, she was something special with her wisdom.
    I can ONLY see you doing yoga just like that cartoon ;) Glad to know you're enjoying it this time around.

  8. Sounds like cancelling the cruise was the right decision for this time! Love your sign and the Mother Teresa quote. Yay yoga! I've never seen that series but I'm going to check it out - it sounds good!

  9. So glad you're enjoying yoga! I need to get back into it, and hoping to get to a class this weekend. And YES to term limits, and cutting the fat from the top. Just thinking about it makes me sick, and we are in desperate need of a clean out in the house and senate. I feel like they campaign on issues, only to be coerced by money and lobbyists once they secure their seat.

  10. Love the yoga challenge! I have been doing light yoga but just did this one as per ur recommendation and am hooked! Thanks for posting! We shall cruise again. Wasn't in our stars for this year 😊👌🏻

  11. The dog head tilt is spectacular. Barkley does it, too, and it's my favorite thing.

    I love your sign. As for the GOP and 45's hypocrisy, I am ready to go through the fucking roof at this point. I can't even think rationally anymore.

  12. It sounds like canceling of your trip was definitely the best idea. You should always be excited to go on new adventures, and not be stressed about it!

  13. That first picture is the best!!! Going on trips should never be stressful, sounds like you made the right choice.

  14. Those dog poses . . . love Mae's head tilt (and Geege or Gus but I don't know who is whom)! I like a short yoga class . . . too long and my head wanders! And relief of cancelling something is the best feeling . . . no regrets!

  15. Yay for liking yoga this time around! One day I hope to enjoy it as well. I think it's best you cancelled your vacation since you weren't excited about it and had lots of reasons to. Had you gone you probably would have been thinking about everything that needed done and not enjoyed yourselves to the most!

  16. Namaste (at home with my dogs) - that's a shirt I own and I wear it when I do yoga, but I am a huge fan of a little peace, stretching and breathing. I'm glad you found a good intro.

  17. I need to check out that yoga for beginners - sounds amazing!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  18. Cutting out places we don't really want to go is probably what's best for us anyway.

    I'm going to attempt to get back into yoga in April. If I don't actively force myself to try, I won't do it. But I really enjoy it after I'm done.

  19. I need to finally try yoga. I stepped up my walking game lately, but would love something a little more chill. Haha! I love your sign!!

  20. Love that sign!! So very true. I need to try beginners yoga. Things have been so stressful lately that I need to find something to settle my mind.

  21. the hypocrisy oozing from this administration in all shapes and forms is INFURIATING. i can't take it anymore. i've asked before and i'll ask again: WHY'S THE IMPEACHMENT TAKING SO LONG???

  22. These fucking budget cuts have me livid. Kyle and I ARE huge supporters of the arts- especially in the scholastic setting. Hell, that's the ONLY way we make a living. We provide equipment for marching bands and other music programs. So while the youth of this nation are deprived of educational programing and school funds our leader of the free fucking world is golfing in Florida.
    I honestly don't know how much harder I can hate him.....
    In other news, I really love your yard sign.
    Also, I'm glad the cancelled vacation lifted the weight off your shoulders!

  23. Love the lawn sign and the words of wisdom from Mother Theresa. I just love her! Sorry to hear you cancelled the cruise but sounds like you still have some fun things in store.

  24. I need one of those lawn signs. YES to the graphic in #3.... and all the BS about Mar A Lago and all the expenses required by him being an asshat. Can you imagine if Michelle and the girls had stayed in Chicago at taxpayer expense? MOBS. INSANITY. But sure, cut Pell grants for poor kids. Get rid of the arts. Erase the old, sick, and poor... and let us know when you plan to go after next because this is how it started in Germany, too.

  25. This blog is truly extraordinary in all aspects.


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