Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Shit MFD Said Vol 38

Me: I need to get the tattoo on my back redone before my birthday.
MFD: I can do it for you.
Me: That's not true.
MFD: Give me a needle and some ink.

With life insurance people
MFD: I was just telling them you're a robot.
Me: Lovely.
MFD: No! I told them a story about how I made a little space to sleep this weekend near a tv and watched Small Wonder, you know, with the robot girl, and then I said...
Me: Just stop.

Looking at the humidifier
MFD: Does that even work? Should it be closer to us?
Me: It's not supposed to be a fucking rain forest in here, Mike. It is working.
MFD: If you say so.

MFD: I'm really struggling with the subset of comments on my post that are about LuLaRue. Oh, it's a picture of you.
Me: Yeah.
MFD: But what is LLR?
Me: What do you think it is?
MFD: Oh, is it LuLaRue?
Me: It's LuLaRoe not LuLaRue.
MFD: Is it the same as lulumon? 
Me: You're thinking of Lululemon. It's not the same and there is no LuLaRue or lulumon. This conversation made me tired. 

All read and approved by MFD before they go live...
Shit MFD Said Vol 1Shit MFD Said Vol 2Shit MFD Said Vol 3Shit MFD Said Vol 4
Shit MFD Said Vol 5Shit MFD Said Vol 6Shit MFD Said Vol 7Shit MFD Said Vol 8
Shit MFD Said Vol 9Shit MFD Said Vol 10Shit MFD Said Vol 11, Shit MFD Said Vol 12, Shit MFD Said Vol 13, Shit MFD Said Vol 14, Shit MFD Said Vol 15, Shit MFD Said Vol 16, Shit MFD Said Vol 17, Shit MFD Said Vol 18, Shit MFD Said Vol 19, Shit MFD Said Vol 20, Shit MFD Said Vol 21, Vol 22, Vol 23, Vol 24, Vol 25, Vol 26, Vol 27, Vol 28, Vol 29, Vol 30, Vol 31, Vol 32, Vol 33, Vol 34, Vol 35, Vol 36, Vol 37


  1. I honestly have called LuLaRoe the same thing as MFD! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Continued Godspeed to our Mike Doyle. Rain forest, those leggings, robot girl !??
    Great way to start the day. Mike Doyle is a hero ❣️ See my Instagram quote posted today. That's him.
    Carpe diem❣️ Love. Your. Momma.

  3. You are a hero, too, Steph. I'm so proud of you for going and doing and saying things I would not have the courage to do❣️
    Love you to infinity and beyond ❣️❣️Your. Momma.

  4. Hahaha I can see how the "Lu" part gets a bit confusing when you're thinking a lot about leggings ;) I love the quote about the humidifier too. hahaha

  5. I'm pretty sure we've had the same conversation about the humidifier....

  6. Hahaha love these! The tattoo one is something my husband would say.

  7. omg I just died at the humidifier one, I had almost the exact same conversation with John about ours! I said 'you want to live inside a cloud?' instead of 'rainforest' though. But very similar.

  8. Ha, the humidifier conversation and the LuLaRoe one sound pretty familiar. Lol. Although, truthfully, I've called it LuLaRue in the past, too. Hahahaha :)

  9. HAHA I used to watch Small Wonder! However, WTF is he talking about? lol

  10. Hey... I get all the Luluwhatever & lululemon names all confused too - I feel the pain.
    The rainforest comment made me choke laughing.
    PS... question - how many coffee mugs do you have? I always love seeing what you're drinking out of.

  11. HAAHHA the LLR and lululemon is so funny. My husband and I had a similar conversation last week! They are really way too close of a name for the casual observer.

  12. Haha! I totally call it LuLaRue! And I love that he thinks that he can redo your tattoo!

  13. "This conversation made me tired." I end so many similar conversations with Chris that way. WHY is it so hard to explain things?

  14. I can't for the life of me say LuLaRoe correct either, and I think my husband asked the same thing about it being like lululemon. And LOL at him fixing your tatoo :-P

  15. i just stop talking to my husband when his conversations get like that (ie. about LLR etc)

  16. Hmmm I dont think I have been saying LuLaRoe correctly. Oops. Lulu and Lula is exhausting!

  17. ha! What posts is he writing that has LuLaRoe comments??? Lol. MLM companies are EVERYWHERE. He sounds so hilarious.

  18. hahahahaha LuLaRue or lulumon. easy to get the real ones mixed up. i told KC i got a pair of lularoe and he was like aren't they the really expensive ones you said you'd never try? and i was like.. no. haha.

  19. LOL! I can understand his mix up with LLR and LuLuLemon though. This reminds me I need to get my tattoo updated/fixed or something. Glad he thinks he can help in your situation ;-)

  20. So... I'm just discovering that lulumon isn't a thing? Damn.


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