Tuesday, January 3, 2017

TWTW - the one with the New Year

Friday was all about the production - I worked from home and got my shit in order for 2017 work-wise. Meanwhile back at the ranch a photographer from the Courier Times was at the house by 9 a.m. to take pics of MFD with his Star Wars toys that he bought a few years ago to replace the long gone toys of his youth. Let me set the scene for you: just delivered groceries all over the counter, no bra on, bedhead, crappy Maxwell House coffee the only thing around to drink, knock on the door, MFD upstairs doing his hair, me left to answer it. Deliver me. Article here.

Lunch errands included Marshalls, Ross, and the death defying Produce Junction parking lot for flowers. At the end of every year I like to freshen up a little of my decor - new table runners and hand soaps and this wall thing MFD is sure to hate. I also ordered a lamp from CB2 because I couldn't find anything I liked. MFD would leave Christmas up for eternity, so I compromised and took everything down Thursday night except the tree and the front window.
I felt a cold coming on so I tried my hand at some homemade elderberry syrup using a recipe from Crunchy Betty that Steph pointed me to. It's great, and much cheaper than the $14+ bottle of syrup in a lot of stores. We rounded out Friday night with a Brother's Pizza and I was in bed by 6, where I stayed all night but didn't fall asleep until midnight.
Saturday of New Year's eve started with a 4:20 alarm. I had to get to the shore to get the outdoor furniture in and clean out the fridges and I figured if I had to do that I might as well catch the sunrise. I spent an hour on the beach and it was cold and beautiful and energizing. My last sunrise of the year thoughts here.
After I finished the not so fun chores, I stopped for a coffee and a donut in town. I missed being down more in November and December this year, I love how Ocean City does Christmas. 
I was back home before 10:30, lounged most of the day, and for the first time in an eternity we were out on NYE - we stopped at Pat & Kat's and Joe & Catie's and enjoyed being out and about. We were asleep around 1.
My New Year's morning kicked off as it always does, with the preparation of pork and sauerkraut and mashed potatoes. I killed it on the pork this year. Mashed potatoes are skins on as always. 
Michelle, Amelia, Debbie, and I took the train downtown for the Mummers Parade. It was a really fun day, and I was back home by 4-ish. Ferko placed fifth and their Captain got first. I enjoyed the show, I always do. If you missed it, you can see it along with a gallery of professional photos here
My office was closed Monday. I slept in then spent the rest of the day fighting the urge to do nothing. I did get to ShopRite, Target, and Jo-Ann Fabric to pick up a frame. I finally framed the elephant print we got in Africa last January. I made veggie soup and MFD's family came over for soup and salad dinner. We rounded the evening out hanging with the dogs, as usual.
Weekly food prep: burritos out of the freezer for breakfast. Lunches and dinners are leftovers of pork and sauerkraut and soup and salad.

Let's see what 2017 has in store, shall we?

But first, let's wish my BFF Laura a very happy birthday.

Linking up with Biana at B Loved Boston for Weekending

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