We followed it up with a belated birthday dinner for Angie at Bufad. The top left is what happens when MFD takes the photo. The bottom right is what happens when he suggests walking under trestles.
I came home to the arrival of the pieces I ordered after Christmas from Philly artist Blur Street Art. After encountering an ishknits street art piece before the art exhibit, it was a nasty women day all around.
That was followed by a chocolate chip bagel and surviving a short dicked loser with Florida plates passing people on a road with no passing lane at 55 MPH in a 25 with three inches of snow and ice on the ground. Once home, I stayed there. Laundry, reading, Billions, and lounging were orders of the day. Lori spent the night and I rented another week at the shore house.
Sunday I cleaned out the freezer and two kitchen cabinets, changed the sheets, found my freaking keys in a coat jacket, and did a little face mask magic. MFD was in charge of this week's flowers. My hanger project in the closet is in full swing. That's about it for productive things, otherwise it was starting a new book and laying on the couch in lounge attire finishing out the first season of Billions and watching Deadpool and Sisters. It was way too fucking cold to go outside voluntarily, and thankfully that wasn't necessary for me on Sunday.
Weekly food prep: the word of the week is spinach since I had a big mama box of it to get through. Breakfast is a spinach/tomato/cheese egg bake; lunch is cauliflower bowls; a batch of spinach muffins for the freezer with mini chocolate chips added because I'm crazy like that; a pan of spinach lasagna roll ups to freeze and one for dinner this week (that is not actually a pan of indecipherable sauce, there's spinach lasagna roll ups under there); and Sunday dinner was supposed to be baked chicken with roasted carrots and potatoes but then I didn't feel like getting up off my ass so it wasn't. That'll be one night this week too.
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