Thursday, January 5, 2017

Thursday Thoughts - New year, new shit

Mood: I truly love the start of a new year and what it symbolizes but the first week is always a grind for me. I feel like a slug trying to climb a flight of steps. I enter each year slowly and ramp up. I sort of need a week to get my motor running.

Health: I've walked twice this week. I was off my game exercise-wise last year unless I was at the shore. We are much more active there. I need to be active no matter where I am.

Activism: I have three events on my schedule this month - a Nasty Women art exhibit on First Friday, a Democratic Women's Forum, and the Women's March. If I don't put my money where my mouth is this year I won't be able to live with myself.

Travel: I booked airfare to and from Puerto Rico for our cruise and hotel for two nights before to spend some time in San Juan and paid the balance on the cruise off. Hallelujah and amen, vacation looms in the distance.
Technology: After three resets, one as new, since December 7, Apple finally replaced the shit ass crapper battery on my phone. Technology is awesome but also a pain in the ass. If you have a 6S and the battery is fucked or the phone keeps shutting off, be persistent. They'll replace it.

Christmas: MFD W. Griswold put the last pieces of the house back to normal Tuesday. I absolutely love when Christmas is cleaned up. If you like the soft glow of the lights, put them on a ficus and relax, enjoy. Have you ever seen Moving Violations? Let me know if you know why I'm asking here.
House: In other house news, new shower curtain, and getting rid of shit. Getting rid of shit is the theme for the first quarter of this year.
Books: My first book of the year is Americanah. It's over 500 pages, as was one of my last books of the year (Born to Run). These 500+ pagers are killing me. The first edition of Show Us Your Books 2017 is already coming up this Tuesday. Say what now? That was fast. Here's to another year of awesome reads.

Birthday: My father-in-law's, today. Happy birthday Mr.!


E-card of the week:

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