
Tuesday, December 6, 2016

What I hope you get from me

I haven't always been cognizant of what I'm putting out there into the world. I always knew who I was and what I believed and how I acted, but didn't always connect the dots to how those things might impact other people. I have never cared what other people thought of me or my choices so it was just normal for me not to think of what I did or didn't do in terms of others. I think of that stuff more now, specifically about what I want people to get from me. Some of the things I want people to get are about them...but some are about me, and what I don't want to be around. I try to put that out there too so people know right away if we will be on compatible journeys. 

I can't sit around and complain about something I think is wrong in this world and not look for a way that I can help, however small it might be. I'm always interested in talking to others who also will take action and who recognize that small things add up to big things. I hope you get that from me.

I will never be silent about things that matter and if you need someone to stand up for you, I'll do that.  If you just need someone to empower and encourage you to stand up for yourself, I'll do that too. I hope you get that from me. 

I'd like to pet your dog if they're interested. I hope you get that from me. 

I don't write a blog where everything is posed perfectly in photos and every sentence is a structural masterpiece. I don't overshare personal shit but I am conscious to let it be known that everything isn't always coming up roses. I am very real, and that's because I don't know how to be any other way and I don't want to be any other way. I hope you get that from me. 

I'm not interested in entertaining bullshit from jagoffs. I hope you get that from me, quickly.

I don't expect you to like me. If you do, that's cool. If you don't, that's okay too. I hope you get that from me. 

I'm always interested in discussing books or organizing or recipes or feminism or weird dog behaviors or hilarious poop stories or sunrise/time passing/space/travel/the universe/religion/where to get good coffee mugs/restaurants I should try/good deals. I hope you get that from me. 

In order to have good friends, I have to be a good friend. I hope you get that from me. 

If you're looking for someone to blow smoke up your ass or give out head pats, you might want to skip over me, but if you want someone to be honest with you, I'm around. I hope you get that from me. 

I never want people I love to doubt that I love them and would do anything for them. I hope you get that from me. 

What do you hope people get from you?

This was a prompt from Alyssa's back to blogging challenge that I couldn't fit in during, but that I liked too much to let go. Click below to see other posts.  


  1. I also hope people get from me that I am a good friend. I try to be reliable, a good listener and there if my friends need support. I also try to be honest and genuine as I hate when people are two-faced

  2. Beautiful! I hope people get that I am a nurturer. It makes me the happiest. Not on a grand I will buy you everything and wipe your ass lol but love and caring!
    Love. Your. Momma

  3. I've known you a long time. I've always, ALWAYS gotten all of this from you. Except the dog thing. I don't know that that came up much until recently.

  4. Re: headpats. Those are for dogs, not people. Praise and feedback are different from headpats. People don't seem to get this.

  5. That last one really resonates with me, as I'm currently working on being more honest, even when people don't really want it. I'm really tired of putting diplomacy ahead of integrity and I want to get to the point where, when someone asks me what I think I either say, "I'm not comfortable sticking my nose in" or "I think x" instead of giving them the vague, reassuring bullshit that they want to hear.

  6. I love this post! I really should do something similar - I always love that you keep it pretty real.

  7. What I get from you is a mirror. I see what I need to see because you say what I need to hear. That is gift. I also get unconditional Love. Very rare and never taken for granted.

  8. I get all of this from you. I'm glad to know you, because I know you keep it real and you stand up for the things and the people you believe in.

  9. "I don't expect people to like me.", this is a trait that instantly draws me to people and makes me like them. Because the world is made up of a lot of different people and we're not all going to like each other. I thought about this prompt a lot but could never figure out how to articulate my feelings. I think it all boils down to I hope people see my kindness and that I am always trying to do the right thing.

  10. I like how you structured this. And I hope people get the dog thing from me, too. If you have a dog- and he/she is receptive- I will absolutely be petting them :)

    I don't know what people get from me, but I hope they get the feeling of acceptance. I think that I'm opinionated and pretty well decided on things, but I hope people get that I'm usually willing to accept anything about them (so long as it's not harmful to others).

  11. One of the things I really love about your blog is that you're so real without oversharing-- I think that's such a hard balance to find!

  12. the honesty part - 100%. I would also hope that people get that from me as well - I'll tell it to you straight.

  13. I get all of these from you and more :) And Hawkeye says come pet her any time you want.

  14. The real-ness of your person is what I love.

  15. I totally DO get all of this from you.
    I think you are EXACTLY who you put out there to be... which is kinda sad there's an alternative to that.

  16. I love what I get from you! Your blog is one of the ones I look forward to most and you help me be more honest and confident and not sugar coating my real thoughts for the sake of saving face. Keep it up! xo

  17. I definitely get all of these things from you and thoroughly appreciate them!

  18. I think you are great at empowering and encouraging. I personally have gotten that from you a bunch, so thank you:)

  19. I always love how honest your blog posts are and how passionate you are for what you believe in. I also know that you'll always do what you think is right and will fight for causes that you believe in as well. One of my favorite parts about your blog is of course all of the book reviews! I don't think that I'll ever run out of books to read thanks to the Show Us Your Books Linkup!

  20. I definitely get all of these things from you and you have helped me be much more honest with myself and others. I wasn't really raised that way. My parents are awesome and I love them but they taught me to avoid confrontation. To demur rather than speak my mind and potentially upset the apple cart, so to speak. It's not always an easy change to make but seeing others, like you, do it helps me find my courage to do the same. What I hope people get from me is that I genuinely care about them. That I believe in individual journeys, dreams and goals. That I will stand by and up for you.

  21. i mean, i know i only know you online, but i feel like i get all of these things from you. i think if i met you in real life, you would seem exactly like you do online, which is great. i don't know if i would be like that, not like i'm hiding things on purpose. just that i'm still working on being as real as possible, if that makes sense. probably not. rambling. i like what you said about being a good friend, i take that seriously and get really cranky when other people don't.

  22. All of these things are precisely why I like you so much and always find something of value from your blog. Some days it's a big, actionable takeaway; some days it's just that I walk away feeling less alone in the world. Thank you for that.

  23. Love, love, love this and it's absolutely what I get from you even though we've never 'met.' It's the reason yours is a blog I want to religiously read and why I've started unfollowing ones that have become businesses or infomercials or picture-perfect happiness. Cheers to being real!

  24. I like your truth telling so, so much. Also, the not taking bullshit.

    I hope people get a sense of loyalty from me. When someone is my people, then even if I think one of their actions is ridiculous, they're still my people and the exception to the rule.

  25. I really appreciate this: "small things add up to big things." I've had that whole "spirit of giving" happening to me that happens to many this time of year. But, it's been "little things", and I'm appreciative of being reminded that those little things matter.
    As many have said in these comments, even those of us that are part of your blogging community, do indeed get so many of these things from you, and that's why we keep coming back. Thanks for being you, Steph.

  26. I definitely get all of those things from you... and it's exactly why I keep coming back again and again. In fact, I've left everything I've missed unread because I want to make sure that I get to catch up on all these things. :) Keep being you... because you is pretty fantastic. ;)

  27. I love that you are direct and are not someone who will pat you on the head and tell you good job. You are so wonderfully honest and informative and that is why I respect your opinions and thoughts so much. I find myself referring back to you when I make points to others because I know I can count on you to know your shit!

  28. This is beautiful! Opening up has always been hard for me which is why blogging has been such a great outlet, so I really have an appreciation for people who are super open and honest and raw. You are so brave and courageous and I love that.

  29. people who tell it like it is..those are my kind of people. one of the reasons i enjoy your blog :)


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