Thursday, December 29, 2016

Thursday Thoughts from in between

1. The week between Christmas and New Year's always feels like no man's land to me. It's like simultaneously a lot of stuff is happening and very little is happening and it goes quickly but also really slowly. I'm looking back on the year but looking forward to a fresh start in the next. Straddling the abyss, floating in the ether.

2. Vietnam Vets picked up yesterday. Goodbye, all the things. Everything must gooo. Sorry for the dark pic, I cannot wait to have my house back to normal so there are actual lights and not soft Christmas lights lighting the interior. I have more to purge, but a lot of it is kitchen-related and requires wrapping and boxing and I didn't have the supplies this week.

3. Monday we were on tour, visiting with Gram, the Doyle aunts and uncles, and then at Mom & Rich's.
4. Wearing this week. And thinking I'll be throwing all the nail polishes out. At least the light purple (Significant Other Color) and the glitter. They're not working for me. Shirt from Feminist Apparel, but it was part of a subscription box so I'm not sure if it's on the site but a lot of my other favorites are (like this one and this one). Feminist Apparel is a local Philly company and they rock.
5. Reading this week. Well, the favorite reads of 2016 from Tuesday's special Show Us Your Books link up, duh. Otherwise, I finished Rosarito Beach and started Bruce's book...even when I love the subject matter, I would absolutely always prefer fiction to non-fiction. The bottom three covers: I used a giftcard from MFD to pre-order the newest Fina Ludlow book by Ingrid Thoft coming out on January 10, as well as this, which appeared on a few favorite reads of 2016 lists, and this, which appeared on one.
6. Spoiler alert: we both died. Quickly. Then I made an egg bake which is the healthiest thing I've eaten in recent memory. We also discussed how we both always died early on the Oregon Trail in school. We need some savvy survivors to play with us so we have hopes of someone else carrying us to the promised land.
7. A gift from Treat Lady. We're finally going to find out what Mae is aside from pug, which will end the speculation we've been doing for years. My vote is for part troll or she-demon. LOL

8. I'm finally cutting ties with Snapfish after using them to store my photos since 2000. Everything will live in Google photos now.

9. Reminder, on appearance; and in remembrance of a fierce force in this galaxy, mental health and addiction advocate, and honest woman who showed little girls everywhere that they could raise a rebellion and save an empire:

10.  E-card of the week

Linking up with Kristin & Joey

Stuff, Things, etc.

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