
Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Stranded on a deserted island: Christmas movie edition

The title of this sounds like a nightmare to me. I am not the most Christmas-y of people. You will not find things like It's a Wonderful Life, Miracle on 34th Street, et all on a list of my favorite Christmas movies or shows. However...

I'm sort of married to Clark Griswold, which would explain why I can't quit Christmas Vacation. I can't resist THE BLESSING, the shitter being full, and the neighbors. I mean, what about these photos does not scream Christmas to you?
Fun fact: whenever MFD and I are bickering I either picture us as Todd and Margo from Christmas Vacation or Meg and Hamilton from Best in Show. 

A Walsh Family Christmas - So it's not a movie, but it's 90210 and 90210 belongs on a deserted island with me. Cindy is sad because it's her first Christmas away from Minnesota. She invites everyone over but no one can come then they all end up there in the end. In between, Dylan visits his father in prison, Brenda stops the police from harassing an old man in a Santa suit he stole from the Peach Pit, Steve tracks down his biological maternal grandfather and finds out his biological mother is dead, Jackie and Mel get in a furious fight while Kelly pouts and David looks anxious, Donna sits there with her teeth in her mouth being Donna, and I'm sure Andrea spends the episode wringing her hands over some political or social injustice. HO HO HO MOFOS!

My final pick is a copout: A Christmas Story. I know every word and figure it would be a good memory test when I'm going insane alone on the deserted island. And MFD looks like Ralphie. Andplusalso, if I'm ever whiny or tired, I flop down like Randy so...

I'd also strand myself with a wish that there was a Christmas reunion version of Dirty Dancing. Now that would be a true gift.

What three Christmas movies would you take with you to a deserted island?

Linking up with Mix & Match Mama and A Little Bit of Everything


  1. Anything 90210 makes me happy and that episode is one of them! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Christmas Vacation is one of my faves so definitely that one! I think the other two would be The Holiday and Home Alone. It's really hard to pick just three!

  3. I love 90210! I was watching old episodes this summer, but this one wasn't one of them unfortunately (the one where Kelly joins a cult was, though...and Andrea was dealing with another social injustice of course lol). The Griswolds are definitely a staple in our house every season!

  4. I've never seen A Christmas Story, but Christmas Vacation is my very favourite. When the squirrel comes out of the tree and Grace hands them the wrapped cat..and the blessing. Never a dull moment, which is exactly how Christmas tends to go around here too.

  5. I have always thought MFD reminds me of Ralphie. :)

  6. John's yearly must watch is A Christmas Story. I've never actually seen Christmas Vacation, he's making me watch that this year. My 3 would be Home Alone, Die Hard, and anything staring Melissa Joan Hart and Mario Lopez that was made for the Hallmark Channel.

  7. I LOVE Vacation & A Christmas Story. I also like the Grinch (the animated one is my favorite) and Home Alone.
    Merry Christmas!

  8. I'd take Elf, Love Actually, and Christmas Vacation with me, although I did watch HOme Alone the other night and cried twice because I am a sentimental, hormonal fool.

  9. Christmas Vacation is hands down one of the best of all time, we've already watched it 3 times this year! And 90210 should be everyone's #1 pick for a deserted island. And lol at Donna and her teeth :-D

  10. Hands down The Christmas Story! Just this morning I plopped Lola on Sean in his bed and he said ughhhh and thanks a lot in the father's high-pitched voice when the wife dropped the bowling ball in his crotch! Home Alone makes me crazy- forgetting your kid! Jmj. ❤️ Your Jolly Momma

  11. I'm laughing SO HARD about MFD looking like Ralphie!! But it's true!! Hahaha!

    My all time favorite Xmas movies are the claymation ones: Year Without a Santa Claus, Santa Claus is Coming to Town, Jack Frost, etc. My dad and I always watched them together.

  12. Christmas Vacation is probably tops for me, but my other favs are The Family Stone and Jack Frost. They both have good music, which is a bonus

  13. I love your love of Dirty Dancing and 90210. It makes me truly happy to know someone out there is as obsessed as I am.
    Christmas movies ... ummm Home Alone - for sure. Christmas Vacation is a close second, and Jack Frost.

  14. Now that you mention it your hubs does sortof look like a grown up version of Ralphie! ;) Haha love it! These are all great classic movies! :)

  15. Totally forgot about 90210 - Loved that episode!!

  16. Home Alone and Home Alone 2 for sure. I really can't get enough of those movies. "Fuller, go easy on the Pepsi!"

    Oh, and probably Gremlins too.

  17. obvious no-brainers: die hard/die hard 2 and Elf.

  18. Definitely Christmas Vacation. Aside from that, I like Four Christmases (because I can relate) and also The Santa Clause. OK, and Home Alone. Shit, and Elf. I think that's all. But I will watch more and I don't care how cheesy, I just wouldn't die without them :)

  19. Definitely A Christmas Story and Christmas Vacation. Does the cartoon version of The Grinch count as a movie? And I do like It's a Wonderful Life, but I have to be in the mood. I'm ALWAYS in the mood for Christmas Vacation and The Christmas Story. Always.

  20. LOL that 90210 one brought back MEMORIES. Good times. (Also - lol at your comments on Donna/Andrea whom I both equally hated)

  21. We're totally watching Christmas Vacation right now! Chris isn't a Clark Griswold, but he definitely likes to decorate for Christmas which I love! I think that I'd have to take Christmas Vacation, Love Actually, and Elf!

  22. I meant to participate in this linkup, but... In a phrase - shit happens.

    I would take A Christmas Story and Christmas Vacation, too! I think my third would be... Home Alone 2. I'm very partial to all the NYC scenes.

  23. I was reading about the 90210 Christmas movie, and I couldn't remember who all the people are...who are Jackie and Mel? I guess that's what google or imdb is for.
    My 3 Christmas go-to's are not all that original of a list...but Love Actually, Elf, and It's a Wonderful Life are the ones that get most watched by me.

  24. I need to have more holiday movie favorites. The only one I really care for is Eloise at the Plaza...which no one else knows! A Christmas Story is also fun...maybe The Grinch or Elf. I don't know...

  25. We used to watch A Christmas Story every year when I was younger, but I haven't seen it in YEARS- I need to change that! I might need to put more thought into it, but off the top of my head Home Alone 2, White Christmas, and Jingle All The Way.

  26. Christmas Vacation is hilarious! I agree these types of movies are more entertaining than the "Christmas in Wonderland" type of movies.


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