Good for you, not for me, means I'm glad you enjoy this thing I have absolutely zero interest in or an active dislike of. Excuse that shitty sentence structure, please. These are all definitely to each their own things - if you enjoy them, that's awesome. I do not. So, some things that are popular in certain circles that I don't give a fig's fart about:
Winter sports - Skiing, ice skating, etc. Remind me to regal you with the horrifying tale of the time I attempted to ski.
24/7 Christmas Music and Movies - Nothing makes me burn out on the holidays quicker. There actually can be too much of a good thing.
Starbucks Red Cups - Wednesday I went into Starbucks with my DD coffee to pick up a tea for a coworker. My giddiness was so amped up I felt like I drank the Willy Wonka Fizzy Lifting Drink.
The Gilmore Girls - Never watched it the first time. I tried watching the first two episodes It seems tailor made for me with the coffee and the books but it's not.
Breaking Bad - I gave it six episodes. No can doesies.
Being an asshole on the Internet for no reason - Yesterday Tiny Buddha posted this centuries old quote on its Facebook page. And these people took the time out of their day to dispute the quote. Like, it's a fucking quote. It's not science. This is what you're doing with your day today?
Audio books - I don't absorb the story as well as I do in print and eventually my mind wanders because I'm not following with my eyes or taking notes. I also consider this listening to a story and not reading. Just like nine times out of 10 I'd rather read a book than watch TV or a movie, I'd rather read a story than listen to one. It engages my brain in a way listening does not.
The Elf on the Shelf - Wasn't Christmas magical enough already?
Snapchat - Nothing I am doing is interesting enough and nothing anyone else is doing is interesting enough for me to sign up for SnapChat.
Harry Potter - I am truly happy for the fans with the release of the newest. I am truly committed to not attempting to read or watch them again.
Coconut anything - My mouth clamps shut automatically just thinking about it.
Bullet Journaling - You guys. This is a to do list using free form or different colors. Also known as shit list makers have been doing since we started making lists.
What are some generally liked things you generally don't participate in or care for?

I'm the same with coconut - I actually like the smell but I cant eat it for some reason! Have a great weekend! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston
ReplyDeleteThe only two things on this list we seem to not be on the same page with are Breaking Bad and audiobooks. Starbucks red cups are somewhere in the middle for me.
ReplyDeleteI have trouble calling audiobooks "reading", so I get that viewpoint. I've had kids ask me if audiobooks count as their reading for the day and I always say no because when you're learning to read, you need to be decoding. But for me and most adults, I consider it getting through a book. I'm not someone who naturally makes time for reading unless it's once in awhile on a weekend or 20 minutes before bed, so to change my habit and become the reader I was 20 years ago, I have to listen to books just to consume more books. Plus, my commute is the biggest waste of time otherwise. Also, I spend a lot of time alone, so it's a productive way to spend that time. My goal = consume books.
Though, I've read 5 books in November and only listened to 2, so I'm attempting to get through more hard copies (err, Kindle copies).
(stepping off the soap box....)
I honestly laughed at people taking the flower competing quote & disrupting it. Priceless.
ReplyDeleteHahahaha. This list has me nodding my head and also shaking it... I don't give a lick about Gilmore Girls (although we might try to watch it in our house), Breaking Bad, internet assholes, or winter sports (I can't ski w/o my hip cramping up), but I love my Starbucks holiday drinks and I'm Harry Potter-obsessed and I find coconut to be delightful :) No go on audiobooks or elf on a shelf, though.
ReplyDeleteOMG but so many of these things are good for me! I think we've talked about this before, but I don't think GG is a good show to get into as an adult. I love it because I loved it at 16 and never really stopped consuming it in rerun form. That said, the revival brought out all of the annoying things that adult me didn't like about the show. Whatever. I was iffy on Breaking Bad all through season one and then it got me, but that's a huge commitment to try! I like instastories to share things that pop in my head, ie wondering this morning if my slippers were casual Friday appropriate and one of my favorite Christmas songs on my pandora. I overthink instagram too much so this seems easier.
ReplyDeleteBut AMEN to the Starbucks cups. We all have days where we want $5 coffee. Posting a picture of it on the internet isn't special.
Sushi. I've tried it a few times and it's nice enough but I don't understand how people seem to go crazy for it. I also don't really like shopping that much. Ok I've had times where I've found the perfect outfit and then it's fun but most of the time it's just looking around shops not finding the thing you want in your size, things are expensive and don't look right, and I hate the long queues to pay. I'd rather just get the stuff I need as quickly as possible and not spend hours in the busy shops. I disagree with you on coconut though, I love all things coconut! I'm also not particularly into winter sports.
ReplyDeleteElf on the shelf sincerely creeps me out. And I couldn't get on board with Breaking Bad either and we TRIED, as in multiple seasons! I never liked it. But I totally love all things Harry Potter and Gilmore girls. Could it be a generational thing? We're almost the same age but I think anyone even a year or two older than me did not hop on the GG train, since Rory is exactly my age. Wouldn't have appealed at the time to someone a bit older? Same with HP, I think I hit that at exactly the right age as well.
ReplyDeleteI go back and forth with audiobooks. I have to be in the exact right mindset to pay attention, otherwise my mind wanders and I realize that I have to rewind because I missed a bunch. But like with the one Melissa Joan Hart wrote and narrated herself, I almost missed my train stop a bunch of times because I loved listening to her stories.
I also couldn't get on board with Breaking Bad, so happy to hear that I wasn't alone. We even gave it two seasons...
ReplyDeleteI had a conversation about the bullet journaling thing yesterday with someone. I love the idea, but I don't have the time to draw up my calendar every week/month - sometimes daily. nothanks.
ReplyDeleteI will say, I hated Breaking Bad too until the end of Season 1 & then its only better from there. Just in case you have nothing else ever to watch ;)
OMG, I was just laughing so hard at the bullet journalling. It's just a list and we list-makers know what a list is and how to really journal. While I love Snapchat only for the sole purpose of it's hilarious filters, the Instasnap thing is lost on me. and I hate that I can't hide that bar of them waiting in que for me to NEVER watch. The entire reason I love instagram is that it's just pictures.
ReplyDeleteNo to Gilmore. No to Breaking Bad. No to 24/7 Christmas....I only like White Christmas anyway.
A friend recently "promoted" her elf to Toy Maker and he is outta there....for good. She said he was ruining the holiday. Best. Thing Ever.
Keep on writing, my friend. You have the best blog out there!
I've never attempted to ski or snowboard or anything, and I live in Oregon where we're supposed to drive Subarus and do crap like that. I always think of it as a rich, white kid thing because all of the white frat dudes I went to college with were super into it. Being an asshole on the Internet is dumb, I've never even tried listening to an audiobook because I think I would hate it and not pay attention (plus, I feel like it would be easier to come back to a book and remember where you were than it would be to pause an audiobook and come back), and if/when we have children, I hope NO ONE tells them about Elf on the Shelf. Or it isn't a thing anymore. And bullet journaling = no. But so is list making (aside from when I NEED to to remember) and planners for me.
ReplyDeleteI'm right here with you on the winter sports! I'm naturally clumsy so I'm pretty sure I'd kill my self if I tried to ski. I also didn't get into Breaking Bad. I tried to watch the first season or two because my husband was obsessed with it, but I just didn't like it.
ReplyDeleteewww.. SAME on the coconut. And the Christmas music. Coworkers started before Thanksgiving and I wanted to throw a stapler. Also, Modern Family. I don't get the hype .. but that's me. Instastory - I don't get it either.
ReplyDeleteWow!! I think like you!!! I don't do winter sports!! I hate winter and coconut !! Can we skip to spring ? And not a Harry Potter fan... But, love ❤️ Ocean City, NJ. Had cousins that oh and a seashell museum on asbury Avenue . Now, their on Sanibel Island ...
ReplyDeleteHappy Friday to all!!!
I, too, hated Breaking Bad and gave it about the same shot that you did. My husband was obsessed and watched the whole thing though. I just didn't get the appeal. I love the concept of good for you, not for me. I think sometimes that people spend a bit too much time trying to get others to like the things that they like when really we all just have unique tastes. For instance, I absolutely love Harry Potter, but I can understand why people don't, including yourself, and I think we can still be friends ;)
ReplyDeleteI was just thinking about this the other day. Off the top of my head: Gilmore Girls, Beyonce (there. I said it), oranges and their horrible citrus cousins like tangerines, Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead, romance novels. And the Elf on the Shelf can go fuck himself. That creepy ass creeper is coming no where near my house.
ReplyDeleteYou know how I feel about audiobooks.
The skiing event...was that the time Nikki ended up in the hospital?
I keep trying to do snapchat because there are some people on there that I love keeping up with... most of them have kids and live too far away... But I can't do it. I'm really bad at it. Lol
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on winter sports. Give me hot chocolate, a book and a fire place... then I'm in.
I do/like/watched most of these. My list is shows with zombies or incredible amounts of gore (walking dead, game of thrones, Vikings, etc); Uggs and other furry boots, pumpkin spice lattes, Beyoncé, Kardashians, and YouTube videos for everything.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't get into Breaking Bad either. Matt loved it but it was too dark for me I think. Was not a fan. One thing I can't get on board with is bracelets. I see people wearing lots of bracelets and I think it looks super cute, but when I try to do it they make me nuts and I take them off in about five minutes.
ReplyDeleteLate to this blog today. Great idea and fun read. I love to be home. Except for visiting OCNJ and Lori and Jack's homes. Mixed drinks are usually a no. Agree on most of these especially winter darn sports. My feet work best with my feet. No attachments on my feet. and I do not like the cold. Big crowds are a no go. Thank Goddess for Alexa echo. My own personal concert.
ReplyDeleteHappy weekend to all.
Love. Your. Momma
haha Steph, you make me laugh. I never watched Gilmore Girls or Breaking Bad, just never got into them. I do love Christmas music but I do change it up after some time. Sometimes I just want to listen to a pop song. I will listen to like five Christmas songs in a row and then throw in a pop song. Have a great weekend.
ReplyDeleteI am with you on 95% of these. I do love me some Christmas music, I love winter sports and coconut is one of my favorite things, but the rest...yup, yup, and yup. Elf on the Shelf actually ticks me off. Like...if you have to bribe your kid/threaten them with a magical elf who is "watching them" in order to make them behave, you're doing something wrong. The whole thing is just creepy to me.
ReplyDeleteWhaaat are those comments on that IG post? That kind of stuff makes me so irritated too-- just being negative for the sake of being negative. I still haven't decided if I like audiobooks, but I'm definitely with you on the mind wandering thing when listening most of the time.
ReplyDeleteOMG the comments on the Buddha quote. I hate people. I don't mind audiobooks but I have to be able to pay total attention to the book or else I have no idea what I just "read". My mom on the other hand has one always playing and has no issue with it.
ReplyDeleteI've never watched GG and I don't think I'll ever attempt to watch it. Bullet journaling is simply list making, end of story, done.
ReplyDeleteThe assholes arguing about that quote is ridiculous. Some people have way too friggin much time on their hands.
I can't do coconut water, but cooking with it I don't mind.
Have a good weekend! :)
I used to watch Gilmore Girls but I never did finish it. I'm curious about the new episodes though. I'll have to watch them at some point.
ReplyDeleteI have Snapchat, but I don't really care for it either. If I'm going to take photos, I'd rather have it somewhere I can keep them and not just a random picture I send and then it "disappears" in 24 hours.
Fun post though! Just goes to show that we're all vastly different people!
I read the title of this and the first thing I thought of was Starbucks red cups. And, I'm right there with you on Harry Potter, Elf on a Shelf, and Gilmore Girls.
ReplyDeleteElf on a shelf whyyyy. I don't understand it and it terrifies me. I'm glad it's not really a thing here (yet). Also bullet journalling baffles me. It sounds like a good excuse for people who want to draw pretty pictures to do some adult colouring in whilst avoiding judgement by calling it bullet journalling - or the insufferable portmanteau BuJo. Which just sounds all kinds of wrong to me.
ReplyDeletei have never tried Breaking Bad but it doesn't seem like my cup of tea at all.
ReplyDeletei don't get the people being assholes on the internet for no reason. like, do you follow someone or some company just to argue with them? i just don't understand that mentality at all. i avoid things i don't like, i don't seek them out just to argue or complain about them.
i don't understand the elf on the shelf thing. like.. why create extra work? wasn't leaving milk and cookies for santa enough work? i have no desire to do that when i have kids one day. we will probably do milk and cookies because KC loves milk and cookies and he'll eat them lol.
anyway. there are tons of things people do that i don't understand or like, but eh. like you i don't really care what other people do or do not like.
I'm with you on Audiobooks. I thought I would listen to more on long road trips, but I just listen to podcasts. I like reading, not listening for hours on end.
ReplyDeleteMine would include Soulcycle (or any of the fitness trends), Tea, Pumpkin anything, fancy expensive make up, Kale and Bon Iver (all of our midwest friends love his music and I don't get it.)
YESSSSSS to the Gilmore Girls thing. Can't do it, nope. Sorry. Any time I've caught a few minutes of it I'm The obsession also annoys me, because I'm a grouch. As for Internet commenters being assholes? It's one of - if not, THE worst thing about the Internet. Reading comment sections always ruins EVERYTHING for me. I'm cool with Christmas music, though. Just a little each day - it makes me happy :)
ReplyDeleteI like almost everything on this list! Except winter sports. Because...sports are hard enough, I'm not freezing while I attempt not to die.
ReplyDelete"Also known as shit list makers have been doing since we started making lists." THIS IS EXACTLY HOW I FEEL. So confused when people rave about it.
ReplyDeleteI love my bullet journal but mostly because it is a COLLECTION of my lists and I am less likely to lose it. Also I get to get creative on my own terms. Some weeks are a literal shit show and some are works of art. I like to look them over.
ReplyDeleteGilmore Girls was never my thing either. I just didn't get it I guess.
I agree it can be too much of a good thing and I am trying to limit my Christmas crazy so that I can really enjoy the good parts without doing too much.
Elf on the Shelf will never enter my door. If someone buys that little creeper for Kyra I will be driving him to the thrift store within minutes. Horrible little thing.