Friday, November 11, 2016

What I love about coming home from a trip abroad

We left our house for vacation at 1:30 on October 29 and got back to our house at 1:45 on November 9. It was one of our longer trips and one of our jet lag trips, and they are, of course, harder to bounce back from. So again, please excuse any grammatical errors or typos, I'm just not as sharp right now as I try to be.

What I love about coming home from a trip abroad
1. Seeing my dogs. Derr. And taking 479 photos of them and keeping and sharing them all even if they're terrible photos.
2. Dunkin' Donuts iced coffee. I always get one immediately upon return, but my heart does not sing with joy until I return to my Monday through Friday DD, where my worker friends greet me effusively and say how long it's been and hand me my order that I didn't have to place because they know what I'm getting.

3. Not having to locate an adapter before plugging something in.

4. All the ice I want, all the time.

5. Not having to calculate how much something is really costing me with a conversion rate. Or converting kilometers into miles.

6. Driving on the side of the road I normally drive on on roads that are wide enough to fit more than my car in my lane.

7. Cheese steaks. I typically always get a cheese steak the day I return. It screams hometown food to me.

8. Alone time. I love my people but I need my alone time.

9. Full, 24/7 access to a washer and dryer that I understand how to use. I could not figure out the combo washer/dryer in one of the places we stayed in and felt like a total moron.

10. Sleeping in my own bed!

While I love to travel, there's no place like home. However, there are some things I hate about returning from a trip, aside from the general fact that vacation is over. Things like:
1. Readjusting to eastern standard time. I feel like I am on quaaludes or something as I exist sort of here and sort of there.

2. Post-vacation sprawl. Bags and piles of clothes and foreign purchases are strewn everywhere and I don't have the energy to deal with it for a few days. I went heavy on the soap this trip (some of these are gifts though) and that is easy to put away so I'm filled with glee.
3. The thought of returning to my daily commute.

4. The laundry.

5. Trying to get up to speed on work and life in a hot hurry.

What do you love about coming home from a trip? One of these days I'll get a blog post up about this trip. One of these days, man.

Today and every day, saluting the veterans.

Linking up with Kristin

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