Wednesday morning I changed sheets, finished packing, did some general lollygagging, then headed up to Lori & Jack's. Debbie arrived shortly after me. Lots of outside time for dogs and relaxing. We also pre-empted Thanksgiving and had turkey breast sandwiches which was an awesome call on Lori's part.
Thanksgiving morning started my favorite way - with a walk. A false start, as it turns out, because Mae sucks at long walks and had to be dropped back off at the house before we crossed the creek where we encountered bear poop. The answer to does a bear shit in the woods is yes....close to the house, too.
We had the delectable bacon sugar butter toast and I did some online shopping, purchasing this wrap from Modcloth.
I debuted my new pug leggings on Thanksgiving. LulaRoe scores again. Perry, Maria, and Ashley arrived, we stuffed our faces multiple times, and I was sleeping by 9 p.m. Perfect balance of a day.
Black Friday started with a walk in the woods, just how I prefer it to start.
We spent the rest of the day talking about poop, farts, and laughing all the way through a small business shopping day. We all wanted this dog. Speaking of, Gus ripped my ear and my uncle insisted I had rabies and told the world I had rabies and between that and not being able to get the back seat up, I almost wet my pants laughing outside of a Dandy.
Friday afternoon we pulled in and I was ready to pack my car up to head home in the morning, only MFD surprised me by showing up and we ended up staying until Sunday morning at 7.
Saturday Maria and Ashley headed home; Jack and Perry helped out a neighbor farmer; and Lori, Debbie, MFD, and I patronized small businesses, attempted the epic fart of the Troy hometown Christmas, and had lunch out. Those of us left reconvened at home to watch college football, make fun of each other, read, and lounge. We were all spent, especially the dogs, except for Mae...she was busy fangirling over her spirit animal, Dots the cat.
Sunday morning's drive home was a breeze, we left at 6:45 and got home before 9:30. I did laundry, pulled my Christmas stuff out and realized I hated all of it, finished a book, and waited for MFD to get home. I was going to make dinner but we ate at Boston Market before hitting Marshalls to buy new Christmas shit. We came home and sort of decorated, but I move stuff around for a while so that'll happen this week. As in this picture below is already false - I always initially clutter up the entertainment center then move a bunch of shit off. My ceramic trees have not been unleashed and the tree, outside, and front window haven't been done yet either. So basically there's shit all over the house that may or may not stay out. Ho ho ho mofos!
Weekly food prep is egg muffins with green onions and cheese for breakfasts and a beef noodle soup for lunches. Dinners will be baked chicken with roasted sweet potatoes and either brussels sprouts or broccoli & cauliflower.
I adore the long Thanksgiving weekend. How was yours?