Last week was rough. I left at 4 Friday, spent a few hours with the fabulous Lola Jean, then picked some turkeys, stuffing, and gravy up at Target to donate to our local food pantry. Dinner was fresh black sea bass caught by MFD last week, couching, putting laundry away, and packing a bag.
Saturday morning and early afternoon were spent at funeral services. MFD went home to go to a peace rally and, wrung out, I headed to the shore for a night of solitude. As soon as I got there, I went and sat on the beach for two hours. No book, nothing but phone as camera. I just sat there with some coffee and let it all hang out. Salt really is the cure for it all.
Saturday night I ate Wawa in lounge attire, then drove over the bridge to hit the Dollar Store and Pier 1 for a few Christmas items. I was held hostage by a millennial cashier in Pier 1 who wanted me to buy Unicef cards and cut the design out and paste them over the personalized cards already in my possession. Girrrrl. I also watched Overboard and Walk the Line and totally vegged and really enjoyed alone time in a quiet off-season shore town.
Sunday morning I took a cold bike ride to the beach. The wind was insane and you can definitely see the erosion that's been present since the failed Labor Day weekend hurricane.
A lot of people like a clear horizon for sunrises. I prefer a cloudy horizon. And as I sat there watching the light peek through I was reminded of the Leonard Cohen quote, "There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in." I've been thinking a lot about how polarized we are after this election. Some of my compadres are in a bad spot and feel hopeless. I was reminded that sometimes you just need to find the crack to see that there is light. And sometimes you need to be the crack for others to find. And still again sometimes you need to stand next to people and bang on the crack until it busts a big hole for the light to rush through.
I did some shore Christmas decorating since I won't be back until after Thanksgiving, drank a pot of coffee, did some online shopping, and addressed Christmas cards. See this tree for why I have not decorated a tree in 14 years.
I hit a few of my favorite small businesses before I left to do some Christmas shopping. It was windy as hell.
Sunday afternoon we celebrated miss Amelia's first birthday. Such a sweet, smart, pretty little lady. Insert heart emojis.
I was just done when we got home. I finally finished the book I started last week - it's been an eternity since it took me a week to read a book - and started another.
Ix-nay on the ood-fay ep-pray this week. I'm only working two days so I'll have breakfast burritos and spinach muffins out of the freezer.
How was yours?