2. What I'm not doing post-election: Normalizing any of this. Pretending not to see the acts of hate I personally witnessed in a liberal city last week. Allowing people to shit on peaceful protests and the right to assemble. Listening to people who say I'm over-reacting. Explaining myself to people who act like I owe them that for things I'm choosing to do in response to this election. Tolerating people who want me to respect their beliefs but have zero respect for mine - those people have no room at my table regardless of who they are. Playing nice so things are more comfortable and less awkward - that has gotten me nowhere - and we are well beyond politics and into human rights and equality at this point in the game. Ignoring the fact that trump's entire team is full of Washington insiders even though so many voted for him because he's an "outsider" who promised to "drain the swamps." Downplaying or hiding my anger - I am angry as hell and dare anyone to tell me I don't have the right to be. Accepting and going back to life as I know it. Just because I'm quieter in general doesn't mean I'm silent - I'm just using my voice where it's needed most right now, and that's not in trying to change the minds of people who don't see the crisis or in preaching to the choir.
3. What I'm eating: wonton soup. It's the cure for what ails me and a lot of things ail me right now, including this lingering illness that will not die. I've slept over nine hours every night, taken holistic and non-holistic measures to rid myself of it, and I'm still not over it.
4. What I'm reading: Inching along with The Trespasser. I haven't had a good chunk of time to devote to this, and with all the books in the Dublin Murder series, I need a little time to acclimate to the language and the setting.
5. What I'm watching: The Fall. I finished season three this week. Anyone else?
6. What I'm struggling with on the petty side: chipped nails; magically disappearing hat that I got for my mom for helping with the dogs; two time changes (Ireland changes time before we do) + jet lag = apocalypse now
7. What I'm looking forward to: this season of SNL (haven't said that in a hot minute), drinking 479 cups of Barry's tea this winter, Thanksgiving food, getting back to the shore and existing in a quiet town for 24 hours.
8. What I'm loving: my new quilt made with love by Lori. It's reminiscent of a much beloved quilt my Mom-Mom made me. It makes me happy to see it and sleep under it.
9. Reminding you, me, and all of us since the weekend is coming:
10. E-card of the week:
Happy happy birthday to Denise today, my framily member since she was born.