Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Thursday Thoughts: I'm baaaa-aaack

1. Consider this a continuation of last week's Thursday Thoughts from Ireland since I'm half on that time and half on this time.

2. One of my favorite things to photograph in cities and towns is the stuff on the backside.

3. All every cashier, bartender, people in line around us, and people on the street wanted to talk about in Ireland and Scotland was the election. Did we vote? Yes. How could Trump be a candidate? I don't know. Returning to an outcome I was not expecting, I needed some time yesterday. I shed some tears, I avoided social media because I didn't want to see his supporters or people who were zen or discounting people's feelings about it, I exchanged angry words with MFD about how we go forward from here. I'm still processing. I don't know. Well, I do know some things  - I will continue to stand up to misogyny, sexism, homophobia, racism, ableism, xenophobia. We all have prejudices that we have to overcome, we've all said things we shouldn't. I will continue to grow as a person. I will continue to put good out into my community and be the change I want to see. Acting from a place of fear and subsisting on bitterness is not my style and never will be. If you thought I was a raging feminist all along, quite frankly, you've seen nothing yet. I was a nasty woman before this and will be a nasty woman after this. That wouldn't change regardless of who is President. I have defended my right to equality since I was knee high to women who taught me that that is what we do. I have work to do, and if equality is important to you, so do you. If equality is not of the utmost importance to you at this time, I have no room for you. It's a line in the sand that I am okay making. I demand better for myself and other women, especially those younger than me. Let's take the time we need, then let's do that work. And for christ's sake let's give people some space on this and get out of each other's faces. Stop trying to convince others that they're wrong for feeling anything they're feeling and let it be. Especially if you've spent the last eight years taking a daily dump on your President or listening to others do so without making one but you need to respect the office statement. I am devastated and I am angry and that anger will fuel my fire to be productive in doing my part to further the feminist agenda over the next four years so let me sit with it and mind your business. Pantsuit Nation, mount up.

4. Things I wish I could get here easily: Jammie Dodgers, Hunky Dory crisps, and Roberts coffee from Dublin.  

5. Tuesday night we had an 8:20 flight from Glasgow to Dublin. The actual in air time is like 40 minutes. We sat on the plane from 8:00 until 10:00 before taking off. It was the first time they had to bust out the de-icing equipment this year. I was afraid of mutiny. Do not fuck with older Scottish women who are hot and dehydrated. They will march to the front of the plane and hand you your ass. I was in the front of the plane and bore witness to this awesome fuck off.

6. SEPTA could take a zillion lessons from Scottish Rail. What a stress free ride we enjoyed between Glasgow and Edinburgh, and during rush hour to boot. Carol and I both ride regional rail here and were delighted to miss the shitshow strike last week.

7. Hell yes I do.
8. I tipped.
9. Reminder.
10.  E-card of the week: 
Jet lag + general lack of sleep + a cold from lots of plane travel + self induced flash flood in the basement last night due to laundry basin fuckery + election devastation = possible general incoherence. Forgive me my grammar and typos, friends. 

Linking up with Kristin

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