Monday, October 31, 2016

Halloween has gone to the dogs

An octopus, a shark, and a lobster walk onto the beach...stop me if you've heard this one.

The lobster (Gus) hated it but the octopus (Geege) and the shark (Mae) are resigned to costumes on Halloween.
I can't help it, I laugh myself silly when they're dressed up. But I know it's not their favorite. Their favorite is food, and lots of pets and rubs and running wild and free are a distant second and third.

So putting up with my insanity is not without reward for these dogs. After dress up day, I bribed them to love me again with the new Filet Mignon & Bacon Flavored Pup-peroni treats the folks there were nice enough to send los perros for them to try, gratis, in exchange for me writing a post about it.

Did they like them? Look at Mae's tail going a million miles an hour. Look at Gus and Geege staring at the bag in the second photo like they've got the eye of the tiger. They're dogs, and the treats are filet and bacon flavored...of course they liked them.That's like asking if humans like chips or ice cream. Everyone likes a treat every once in a while.

My dogs like what I like, and since choice steak and bacon are high on my list, these treats were high on theirs. These dogs have barely any teeth left so while I prefer the Isle of Dogs treats on a daily basis, these soft, chewy treats are great for treat days we all deserve.
To learn more about these treats, click here.

Speaking of treats, I hope you get a lot of them today for Halloween, even if you have to dress up like a fool to get them.

I am traveling and will reply to comments when I return. Thanks for stopping by!

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