Thursday, September 22, 2016

Thursday Thoughts - r o c k in the U S A

1. Tired, fearful, and loathing: how we felt about Monday in our house. 
2. The skies around the Harvest Moon make my soul burn.

3. Lots of fighting on the internet about what it means to be a patriot in America. Everyone who knows us knows both MFD and I are very liberal. MFD always posts things with political or social implications on facebook and he has a host of trolls who dogpile on the rabbit and like to talk to those who lean a little more left in a patronizing manner, as if we are children or people who don't understand how the world works. They call us libtards which seriously? Boils my fucking blood. If you are friends with either of us on facebook and you see me ever comment on one of those posts, you know I have reached fuck this shit o'clock with the patronizing bullshit and am flying my ship right into the Death Star. No matter what side you're on in any issue, remember this: civil discourse is still a thing. People who think differently than you are not your enemy, you don't need to de-friend or block them. You don't need to attack or get personal. You can discuss matters like adults or you can, I don't know, refrain from engaging. Grow up. And remember: it's not just your rights that are important. It's all rights. 

4. In other news of the week...we have a systemic racism problem in this country that will not go away until we all acknowledge it. If you cannot see how black America is different from white America, do some reading on slavery and what happened during it, who owned who and how it ended; then move on to segregation, and what happened to people during those protests; then go to mortgage discrimination, which was still happening up until the late 1970s and is a major contributor to the urban decay we accuse black people of causing; then you look at crimes committed and lengths of sentences and you look at criminals in general and how we approach and talk about them...then you tell me with clear eyes and a honest heart how we all have the same opportunities and are treated the same across the board. If you tell me those things, I'm going to be asking some questions to make sure you actually did the reading. Do not discount how huge of a thing opportunity is in our lives.  Someone who planted bombs in NYC and NJ and had a shootout with police this weekend was brought in alive. These people are being gunned down in the streets for getting out of their cars. What the fuck is going on here? There is injustice and I will not be quiet about it. If you feel there is injustice, I hope you won't be quiet about it either. 

5. Now that my Public Service Announcements are over...I'm loving my newest Alex & Ani Jill gave me this weekend. It is the perfect addition to my collection and one that I identify with right now. Your friends just know sometimes, you know? Thanks Jill!

5. I finally got my food prep shit together despite Whole Foods fucking me and forcing me to use chard instead of spinach in my spinach muffins. I did egg muffins with asparagus and goat cheese, turkey tacos, and steamed asparagus with baked chicken thighs for lunches. Snacks are grapes, bananas, and noosa yogurt. 
6. The above was accomplished despite Whole Foods sucking. I use Instacart grocery delivery when I'm in a pinch - I need things for dinner that night and don't have time to get to the store. That was the case Monday. I worked late, my fridge was totally bare, and I had to get some food in the house. Instacart shoppers and service are great - but the stock at Whole Foods is awful. They never have anything. I ordered 12 items and 7 had to be replaced or flat out not fulfilled. Luckily Amazon was delivering the bulk of the groceries the next day so I could put the Whole Foods fuckery behind me and get on with the food prep. 

7. This is MFD's favorite old woobie shirt. We do our own laundry, but whites are done jointly because we don't produce a ton of them. Whenever I'm the one to do the whites and I lay hands on this shirt, I consider hiding it. 

8. I didn't watch the Emmys on Sunday, and I didn't scour the Internet for Emmy fashion. Who am I? p.s. I was all up on the fall of the Brangelina Empire. Team Jen for life. 

9. Important. 

10.  E-card of the week...Lots of know it alls on the interwebs these days. 
First day of calendar fall, Bs.  

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Stuff, Things, etc.
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