Thursday, September 29, 2016

Thursday Thoughts: full of estrogen

1. Too vain to open with nails? Too bad! The color is Zoya Aubrey.
2. Sooo...the debates. I would really like to reply to a lot of discussions on this and begin a conversation about systemic misogyny, which I think is the main cause of the absolute hatred for Hillary Clinton but would likely go over like a shit balloon because it's so ingrained in the fabric of our lives that it is very hard for people living in it to recognize..similar to, you guessed it, systemic racism. So I'll just leave this here, which I took from an article on The Telegraph, a UK paper...we are internationally known for this misogyny and mansplaining and manterrupting that's playing out on a global stage. I'd rather we be able to say I'm not internationally known but I'm known to rock a microphone, you know? I'm embarrassed.

3. I'm also a little unnerved that so many citizens don't know how debates work - like, you are asked a question and given time to answer said question and then your opponent is given time for a rebuttal. If you go over either time, you will be interrupted, asked to stop, and then you finish your thought to wrap up. Even Jesus Christ at the podium is not allowed over time. So Donald wasn't treated unfairly. He was asked to abide by rules of civility, which he clearly thinks is unfair. This is Debate 101. We were all taught this in school, and if you need to brush up, the Internet could tell you all about it. Yet people were all let Trump talk and why are they stopping him but didn't stop her and why can't we cheer for him. is important. So is civilized debate.

4. My liberal feminist killjoy heart has been working overtime all week. Especially when I see women in the comment sections disparaging other women for being weak or being pissed that someone pointed out that women are treated differently. Yes, there are a lot of us who are not afraid of smashing the patriarchy...just as there are a lot of us who are not there yet, who still work in stifling environments or live under the boot heel of a man or have been conditioned that women don't do or say this or that. It is really egocentric to only think of something like equality in terms of your personal situation and experiences. Do you think I put up with sexism? Hell no I don't. I'm more likely to put balls in a vise at the first hint of it. But I know others have to and the fight is not over until no one has to. I'm not going to sit back and say I made myself equal so fuck all the rest of y'all. I'm going to be out there banging that drum until you're equal too and until your daughters don't even have to know what the first hint of sexism feels like. Get it together ladies.
5. Where are my Wawa peeps? If you buy water from there, this one is a little more expensive, but when you buy the liter size you can help provide clean water to those in need. Pick some up today when you're picking up your free coffee of any size. Hydrate and caffeinate, my friends.
6. You can also help provide art to kids in Philadelphia by supporting The Clay Studio's Claymobile, which sends a teaching artist and assistant to under-served areas and brings all the materials and supplies necessary to give a ceramic art lesson. This is the type of cause I love. If you do too, click here to donate. No amount is too small.

7. I wonder how many photos I've taken of my dogs in their lifetime? At least 872 this week alone.
8. Sometimes I recall something I haven't made in a while, make it, and think hot damn I should make this more often. That was the case with these spinach mac and cheese muffins that I made and froze on Tuesday night. It also occurs to me that there are a lot of recipes I haven't shared. Summer was a little light around here on the recipe front as it usually is, but they're going to make a comeback this fall.

9. Reminder: you're not obligated to explain yourself to everyone in the world. The people who matter know.

10.  E-card of the week...Usually.

Happy birthday to my cousin Tyler today!

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Stuff, Things, etc.
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