Monday, August 22, 2016

TWTW - the one in Lake Harmony

Friday Gail, Nicole, and I packed two tons of shit into a small sedan and trekked up the back roads to Lake Harmony for Crystal's bachelorette party. I know, I don't do bachelorettes but Crystal is family, not to mention a lot of laughs and fun. Friday night was spent acquainting ourselves with 15+ of Crystal's bitches.
A little Saturday morning reading in nature and lounging around, laughing at online dating, and watching people swipe right. And posing with a teddy bear rug, because that's what you do when you see one.
A little after 12:30, Gail, Nicole, and I moseyed on down to the Sand Bar to while away the afternoon watching a wedding, having some drinks, and making friends, including two widowed 70ish ladies who gabbed with me about feminism and kind of people. The girls all went to dinner and we met them later at Shenanigans for, you know, shenanigans. It was a fun night and excellent people watching both in the club and at karaoke in the bar. Crystal's girls did a great job putting together a nice weekend celebrating the fabulous Crystal.
Sunday we were up and out early, had breakfast on the way home where I ate like I have never eaten before, and I was in my living room with a large DD iced coffee before 12:30. 
I lounged the rest of the day, did some laundry, had groceries delivered, and read. We also watched Urban Cowboy and 495 episodes of 30 Rock. Hashtag favorites. I had to lounge because I am out of practice on the party train. 

Weekly food prep: breakfast is English muffins with PB&J, snacks are fruit and bell peppers, lunches are turchicken burgers from the freezer sans bun with a side of riced cauliflower and asparagus, and dinners will be grilled chicken thighs and veggies or eggs with veggies.

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Not to bum anyone out, but it smelled like fall in the mountains Sunday morning.

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Linking up with Biana at B Loved Boston for Weekending

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