Thursday, August 11, 2016

Thursday Thoughts - Halved-ish

1. Summer laziness is in full effect. On those nights where I really don't want to do a gaht damn thing, I set my timer and do what I can in those minutes. Sometimes it's 30, sometimes it's 15. On exceptionally lazy nights it's 10. Setting the timer gets me up and doing because I don't have to do all the things and I don't even have to work off of a list of things, I just have to do something for the set amount of minutes and then I can say fuck it. Which is what summer wants of me, to constantly say fuck it. p.s. I sacrificed two seconds of my precious 30 minutes on Tuesday night to snap this photo. You're welcome.

2. I am sick to death of Trump being lauded because he is not politically correct and says what he wants. Given what he's been spewing it is apparent he has zero respect for those he considers beneath him, including (like it or not) an opposing presidential candidate and former First Lady. People actually like that he is hateful and vitriolic and draws lines in the sand and insinuates that an elected Clinton or Supreme Court Justices could be taken care of by second amendment supporters. Of course, his team is excusing that like they excuse every vile statement this man utters or tweets. Unfortunately his supporters want to put him in the office of the President of the United States - one that demands the person in it act with respect and decorum even when they feel like throwing a hissy fit lest they incite riots and violence domestically and invite attacks from foreign entities. You know who gets to say whatever they want and throw hissy fits and not give a damn about the consequences? Toddlers. Not adults and certainly not the President. Grow up. There are situations in which you can speak and act freely without societal constraint or temperance and acting as the President of the United States of America is not one of them. Since when did being calm and respectful yet strong in the face of adversity make you a bad leader on any level? Since never.'s a skill Ghengis Khan, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Pol Pot, Kim Jong Il, Kim Jong Un, Idi Amin, Vlad the Impaler, Mao Zedong, Saddam Hussein, and other leaders throughout history lacked as well. Is this the company we want our President to be in? Trump would like you to believe America is under attack from a great many forces...I'm saying the phone calls are coming from inside the house. Put the phone down and run.

3. It's been a sleepy week in our house. No one has wanted to get up. Me included. I'm hoping to sleep a lot this weekend. 

4. MFD went fishing Tuesday and caught a lot of flounder. Not my preference, but when fresh fish is caught you eat that fish. As you may know, MFD is a realtor. His hours are 100% irregular - which can mean cancelling plans at the last minute, missing family events, having to be on the phone at dinner, working on vacation if he has cell service, taking phone calls after 10 p.m., etc. We're used to it, that's his chosen profession and we know those things come with it. What also comes with it? The ability to work from a beach or a boat if you don't have showings. Sweet trade off. 

5. Today is Carol's birthday. Happy birthday Carol!! Love you, enjoy!

6. Reminder. Most things worth having aren't easy. 

7.  E-card of the week:

I have no 8-10 because the humidity has finally gotten to my brain. Stay cool out there my friends.

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