
Thursday, August 11, 2016

Thursday Thoughts - Halved-ish

1. Summer laziness is in full effect. On those nights where I really don't want to do a gaht damn thing, I set my timer and do what I can in those minutes. Sometimes it's 30, sometimes it's 15. On exceptionally lazy nights it's 10. Setting the timer gets me up and doing because I don't have to do all the things and I don't even have to work off of a list of things, I just have to do something for the set amount of minutes and then I can say fuck it. Which is what summer wants of me, to constantly say fuck it. p.s. I sacrificed two seconds of my precious 30 minutes on Tuesday night to snap this photo. You're welcome.

2. I am sick to death of Trump being lauded because he is not politically correct and says what he wants. Given what he's been spewing it is apparent he has zero respect for those he considers beneath him, including (like it or not) an opposing presidential candidate and former First Lady. People actually like that he is hateful and vitriolic and draws lines in the sand and insinuates that an elected Clinton or Supreme Court Justices could be taken care of by second amendment supporters. Of course, his team is excusing that like they excuse every vile statement this man utters or tweets. Unfortunately his supporters want to put him in the office of the President of the United States - one that demands the person in it act with respect and decorum even when they feel like throwing a hissy fit lest they incite riots and violence domestically and invite attacks from foreign entities. You know who gets to say whatever they want and throw hissy fits and not give a damn about the consequences? Toddlers. Not adults and certainly not the President. Grow up. There are situations in which you can speak and act freely without societal constraint or temperance and acting as the President of the United States of America is not one of them. Since when did being calm and respectful yet strong in the face of adversity make you a bad leader on any level? Since never.'s a skill Ghengis Khan, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Pol Pot, Kim Jong Il, Kim Jong Un, Idi Amin, Vlad the Impaler, Mao Zedong, Saddam Hussein, and other leaders throughout history lacked as well. Is this the company we want our President to be in? Trump would like you to believe America is under attack from a great many forces...I'm saying the phone calls are coming from inside the house. Put the phone down and run.

3. It's been a sleepy week in our house. No one has wanted to get up. Me included. I'm hoping to sleep a lot this weekend. 

4. MFD went fishing Tuesday and caught a lot of flounder. Not my preference, but when fresh fish is caught you eat that fish. As you may know, MFD is a realtor. His hours are 100% irregular - which can mean cancelling plans at the last minute, missing family events, having to be on the phone at dinner, working on vacation if he has cell service, taking phone calls after 10 p.m., etc. We're used to it, that's his chosen profession and we know those things come with it. What also comes with it? The ability to work from a beach or a boat if you don't have showings. Sweet trade off. 

5. Today is Carol's birthday. Happy birthday Carol!! Love you, enjoy!

6. Reminder. Most things worth having aren't easy. 

7.  E-card of the week:

I have no 8-10 because the humidity has finally gotten to my brain. Stay cool out there my friends.

 photo purple_zpse5f7f916.png


  1. Some of the people that wanted to impeach Bill Clinton for having an affair in the Oval Office and lying about it are the same people that support Donald Trump. So, you want to impeach one guy because you think he doesn't have high enough morals, standards, or family values that is expected of the President, yet you want to vote in Donald Trump? Because, he is the poster child of high morals and ethics. Whatever.

    1. That's not fair, Erin. His third wife thinks he's very loyal and ethical.


  2. Ok. Such a smart idea with the timer. Motivation at night after long workday is a struggle for me. I'm trying this method tonight. The E-card is exactly how every day this week has felt! Two more days. We can do this.

  3. I will totally admit that I am always SO curious about people's jobs (I had never thought about MFD being off during the day - I would have just assumed he was on vacation or worked night shift) but I always find it so interesting when people have jobs "outside" regular hours or are able to work from home or wherever they are. I guess that's why I did my Masters in Organizational psychology. haha. Work-life balance is different for everyone (but it sounds like he has a good balance, I hope!)
    I do that timer thing a lot too - especially in the summer when I really just want to lie down and read in the evening but I actually have 800 things "to do". haha.

  4. Oooh I like that timer idea! Definitely motivating to get something done.

  5. As a moderate conservative, I'm appalled at Trump. APPALLED. He absolutely cannot be the best candidate for president. We've got to have an alternative. :(

  6. Timer is a great idea! Trump followers sound like they are in a cult. The universe keeps showing why he's a loon ! Please listen and heed the many warnings, the latest being if you don't like someone - use your 2nd amendment rights. Jesus. Mary. And Joseph. His low keeps getting lower!!
    God save the planet.
    I wish you many sweet dreams and lots of quality sleep this weekend. Awesome fresh flounder catch!! Love. Your. Momma.

  7. I love eating fresh fish! It is 10 fold better than anything you'll ever get from a grocery store or restaurant. Have a great weekend!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Had to fix my comment, in defense of toddlers and the sun. But we do teach toddlers to give a damn about the consequences of tantrums - time-outs. Donald needs a LONG time-out, far far away. But not on the sun. The sun is nice. Maybe lost somewhere in space. Yeah, yeah, that's the ticket. Lost in space.

  10. Tr*mp is such a fuck. If anyone else had said that about Hillary the secret service would STILL have them in a dark room under a bright lamp. And the speech where the baby was crying and Tr*mp was like "It's OK" and then not 5 minutes later he was like "Get that baby out of here"? Great. That's the kind of patience and understanding I want to see in my country's leader. I bet he'll be a really strong advocate when it comes to women's rights, children's rights, and anyone-that-might-be-slightly-different-than-him's rights. He's seriously the biggest piece of shit.
    This humidity also sucks. Not as much and Tr*mp, but it does suck.

  11. Ahhhh, yes. Trump and his vocal supporters worry me so much. I don't even know what else to say about it. I love fresh fish, but I've never had flounder - I suppose if my husband caught a ton, I'd eat the heck out of it tho. It is so humid!!

  12. I just want everyone to vote for Gary Johnson so we can be quiet and content.
    I do #1 too, it's usually cleaning something. I like to clean something each day so it's not such a process on the weekends, but I HAVE to set the timer on lazy days. Most times it takes literally half of what I set the timer for, but I still can't do it unless I've got the countdown going.

  13. Love your timer trick . . . I used to do this and then just forgot about it. I need this reminder because I'm sleepy AF this week . . . but stuff still needs to get done. Maybe it's in the air!

  14. I'm so sick of the humidity - its making me get in a summer slump too. I want to do nothing but stay in AC & read.
    That's exactly right - people keep praising Trump for his way to say what he wants... but that's exactly it, there's a thing called RESPECT & DECENCY that is forgotten - especially for someone who is supposed to run our country. Say what you want in his business - but as the leader of our country to the world? GOD HELP US

  15. Don't even get me started on the mother fucker humidity. No one invited you to stay all summer damnit, go away!!! I feel like whichever sleepy pug that is up there! I really like your timer idea! Can I set it for 1 minute? Hahahahaahah

  16. I can deal with heat, humidity can go suck a .....

    Where did MFD go fishing? My husband went last weekend while down the shore and only caught 5ft long (wide?) stingray. My Mike is a fishing freak. Must be the name.

  17. I do the timer trick too! And lately it's the only way I get anything at all done around here. And also actually LOLing at your "who gets to act however they want? toddlers." comment. Because TRUE.

  18. yeah i think that not being politically correct is one thing, but being a bloody idiot is another, and trump is only one of those things.
    that's a good idea about setting the timer.. i get home, prepare dinner and while it's cooking i do shit - clean the kitchen (obviously not all because i am cooking), throw laundry in, get ready for the next day etc etc. but then once i sit down, i am done. i am lazy as all get out. not a lot gets done in the cooking time so i might have to try that. at first, because i always have my phone on 24 hour time, i thought that was the time and i was like what hour is 29?!

  19. It's actually been a very pleasant August in LA (it's normally one of our warmest months) but I'm headed to MN where I am told the humidity is terrible. Happy to be going home, not happy about the humidity. I am a baby! Trump. I just don't get it. And it so irks me that he is being held to a different standard than any candidate - whatever their party affiliation. I just don't get it. At all. I've heard that when his "handlers" have to give him feedback that he needs to be praised effusively first. You know who you do that to as well? Toddlers. God, you are so right. That e-card may be the best one you've ever shared. :)

  20. Love the setting your timer idea! What a great way to get some "me time" :) I normally keep my political views to myself, but I have to applaud you on your comments. I couldn't agree more!

    Edye | Http://

  21. My dad has always been a staunch Republican and he didn't exactly like Trump, but he was justifying supporting him because "he's a businessman" and so on. FINALLY Trump said something that pissed even him off enough to get on the 3rd party wagon and I'm so relieved. I can respect my family members again. :P I really like your timer idea! I've had a lot of lazy days lately and I'm always fine once I get started, but getting off my butt in the first place is hard. If I lied and told myself it only had to be 10 minutes, I'd probably get up a lot sooner.

  22. It is been a week of no sleep in my house. My insomnia has been horrible this week and I just haven't slept hardly at all.

    The timer setting idea is brilliant I'm going to have to implement that for nights when I just cannot seem to get it together. Then at least there's an end point in sight!

  23. Fresh fish is the best, although I've never tried flounder. I like finding flounder when we dive, they're a strange fish. Saw a really pretty iridescent one with blues and silvers on our trip, which is nicer than the usual whitish-beigey ones I've seen before.

    It's flippin DISGUSTING up here. We're at about 110 with humidity and it's like a god damn oven outside. But I'm not complaining, because that awful white shit will be soon upon us.

  24. 1. I do the same thing and it always makes me feel better afterwards. I am lazy beyond belief these days but setting a timer and just doing something productive for that tiny sliver of my day makes be sleep a little easier.
    2. As you already know, preach. I had this convo recently when someone brought up Melania Trump's speech. The problem wasn't the speech; the problem was the entire Trump team's inability to respond with a modicum of grace or humility. That tweet you posted there is spot-on, as is everything else you said. This is the highest office in the free world; biting your tongue and speaking carefully is a job requirement.
    Thanks for number 6! In my current state of not-quite-employed, it's a helpful reminder.

  25. What's left to say about Trump? Have you read Katy Tur's article on Marie Claire? It's really great, but in that infuriatingly-sad-awful-horrendous way. There's no amount of money you could pay me to cover this psychopaths campaign trail and have to deal with his abuse firsthand.

  26. As always, 100% with you politically. He is such a dirtbag. I need to do the timer thing. My stupid August goals are requiring too much time spent getting steps/at the gym and then I never want to do anything else productive once I'm done!

  27. LOVE the quote you have for #6.

    That's my timer trick! It's sometimes the only way anything ever gets done.

  28. I genuinely can't understand what is going on with Trump- or more so how anyone can still be standing behind him at this point- it's not even about politics as much as it's about survival for a lot of people. In other news I need to try out using my timer like that & the fish MFD caught looks delicious!

  29. Amen to Every. Single. Thing. you said about Trump. I do not understand how anyone looks up to this man, or thinks that what he says is ok. He terrifies me to be honest. I just can't.
    Yay for a fresh caught fish dinner--looks delicious!! And I hope you get lots of sleep this weekend!!

  30. Preach on sister. I have to unfollow every who tries to tell people that Hillary is more dangerous that trump.

  31. I'm not sure if I like Flounder but it looks delicious. I'm sure being a realtor can be crazy with the long hours and irregular schedule but I do envy having the flexibility to work remotely.


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