
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Maelee: A Peanut Butter Caper

A Maelee is sort of like its word of origin, melee, except it's caused by Mae. Or maybe it should be a Haelee, since Mae's boss bitch alter ego Hazel has likely instigated it.

Last night I walked into a Maelee when I got home instead of the typical howling dog ruckus that greets me every time I open the door. Gus and Geege came over to tell on Mae, who was by the entertainment center protect her open jar of peanut butter.

How the hell did they get an open jar of peanut butter? 

I won't lie, I thought MFD left in a hot hurry with the peanut butter open and accessible to these scavengers. Then I walked into the kitchen, saw the pantry open, found the lid to the jar in the dining room, and called MFD in disbelief.

In the 20 minutes between MFD leaving the house and me walking in the door, these ahole dogs opened the pantry, got a jar of peanut butter off the second shelf, opened it (like, unscrewed the top, not bit into it) in the dining room, and brought the jar into the living room where Hazel was lording over it like the Wicked Queen of Skippy. 

know they can tell time, but now they act like they have thumbs? Was this a three amigos team effort? Did they use the furniture as a tool? Did Tuesday use its black magic on their behalf? Was it the old man from Scooby Doo? Did aliens help? So many questions...I need them to start talking.

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  1. Petcam. You obviously need petcams. We, your blogger readers, will enjoy them as well.

  2. I was also going to suggest installing video cameras, because that doesn't make any sense whatsoever. And telling on Mae implies that the Gus and Geege didn't help in opening the jar. I second Erin- we'd love that!

  3. Every dog owner would understand. Sometimes our dogs amaze and surprise me too. I think they're aliens pretending to be dogs or something. :)

    A fun post to read.

  4. I will go with the popular opinion and say install cams. I would love to see a dog open a can and finally solve the mystery. Pugs are intelligent. My friend had a pug that had mastered how to open fridge and run away with any and every good it could get. It taught and used the other 2 boxers this endeavor.

  5. I mean you should start a series called dogs do the darnedest things lol! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  6. I'm dying over this. HOWWWWWWWWW did they open it?

  7. It's not funny, but it's also so funny! I assume because it isn't my dog - but Mae man...she kills me and how did she get the pb?!?!

  8. That is some serious skill and dedication to get that peanut butter! Haha! Oh Mae!

  9. you should mount a camera in your place to see their shenanigans. i know blogland would LOVE to see those videos!

  10. Cannot stop laughing! I am curious too! How did this happen? So funny! So many questions! I say pet cam!

  11. Wait, what?!?!? I iz so did this happenz?

  12. hahahaha this is hilarious! i can't believe some of the things pets do sometimes. we've had to start keeping the cat food in a room with a closed door.. it used to be in a closet, but the cats can open bi-fold closet doors.. and then tip the food over. it's insane and slightly scary.

  13. Not a surprise. Gussie in that apartment kitchen. I will never forget it. The deva fairies helped. Google that! Leave it to Mae, but I'd rather have that than the disaster Gussie made of that kitchen. Pet cams would be awesome. Love. Your. Momma

  14. And this is why your dogs are my favorite.

  15. Dogs get special powers when we leave the house! Cajun has opened peanut butter before, he chewed at the lid until it cracked and then he could get it off. His teeth are a bit bigger than her's though! I don't think I've ever seen him happier than when he was licking that jar though! :) Also someone mentioned above but we just got a camera for our living room. I cannot wait to watch and see what my dogs do all day! Let's see if I ever do work again, lol! ;)

  16. Oh my gosh, how did they get the pb jar open!? You should definitely set up a camera or something. I'm sure it would be quite entertaining to watch-haha

  17. This is hilarious! Cooper is a 15 year old dog that still has to be crated when I leave. Case in point - he escaped about a month ago (maybe I didn't latch the door tightly) and DESTROYED the house. How he managed to get my bathroom trash can open is beyond me. It's the kind that LOCKS when it tips over. But it wasn't an issue for Coop! Love your pups!

  18. haha oh my!! This is so funny but oh so crazy. Pets always amaze me with what they do when no one is around. How did they get the jar opened?? I will be wondering about this all day long.

  19. Salem can open bottles and jars, at first I was amazed now I just make him work for his peanut butter jar when it's empty.

  20. Wow, that IS pretty impressive! Please do tell us more if they crack and tell you the whole story :).

  21. heheh pets are so ridiculous and funny. This is an extremely impressive feat! LOL I posted this in a video on my newest post... but one of my cats (ironically the one-eyed-pirate-named-cat) legit steals food off of plates. The worst table manners ever. Little thief. We're working on it. LOL XO - Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

  22. This is so much funny and way less disgusting than a similar situation I had on Monday that might have involved me throwing a chair at the fence to startle the Barkley away from a dismembered rabbit carcass.

    Dogs are insane.

  23. Oh my gosh, this is hysterical! Do they make dog-proof peanut butter containers?!

  24. I've SOOO had this happen - a FEW times. We have to keep peanut butter jars tucked away - no sitting near the edge. I would have LOVED to see how Harvey unscrewed that top.
    We do save our jars though when they get low & give it to the dogs to lick clean - I guess he's watched us enough time get the lids off to figure it out himself :)

  25. Grace is always opening the pantry... so nothing she might enjoy is low enough for her. She is after the stuff on the top shelf and I wholeheartedly believe she could open the peanut butter if she could only get to it.

  26. That is seriously the funniest thing ever! I can't believe that they actually got into the peanut butter jar and didn't bite it open! We have a camera at home specifically so I can watch our dog during the day (because I'm totally that dog mom!) and my husband one time caught him counter surfing! It was so funny because he was just standing on his back leg (he's a tripod), and he had his two front legs on the counter. We still don't know how he did it!

  27. I. Cant. Stop. Laughing. Wicked Queen of Skippy?!?!?!?!?!?! Dogs are the most resourceful of all the creatures of the world when it comes to something they aren't supposed to have. Mac ate a Reese with the wrapper and all like a mother fucking goat because he didn't want me to have time to get it out of his jaws of life mouth. Mae for president!!!

  28. Hilarious! Those 3 put together are the ultimate MacGyver! Whenever Roxy does something like this, we get so mad and then just laugh because we're impressed with her determination and skills :-P

  29. What the what? And oh my hell that picture of them is so cute. How in the world did they do that?

  30. oh my gosh, hahahah, that is so funny! What is the teeth mark situation on the lid? I'm so curious myself how they did this. That is hilarious and dare I say, impressive. We have enough issues with one, I can only imagine with three. This story makes me even more excited to see "The Secret Life of Pets" that's coming out soon. If you haven't seen the trailer, you should google it.

  31. Uh oh! And here I thought tomorrow was "what if cats and dogs had opposable thumbs' day. Clearly one of your bunch has some real, real talent going on. LOL!

  32. Those are some skillful dogs to unscrew the jar of peanut butter. Lol @ Mae's nickname. I hope peanut butter isn't bad for their stomachs.

  33. I mean, I kind of can't blame them. A) it's seriously impressive, and B) I once ran 26.2 miles for the peanut butter at the end of it. Peanut butter is amazing.

  34. Hahahaha omg this made me laugh. Your dogs are plot: world take over lol

  35. You need a nanny cam. We've talked about getting one of those. Jett opened a window and jumped out last fall, busting through the screen. I found him on the porch when I got home.
    The thumb thing is puzzling though...

  36. Not gonna lie, I just read that out loud to Justin and we were dying laughing.

  37. This is both hilarious and insane! My jaw dropped as I continued reading. HOW could they possibly unscrew the lid? I agree with the previous commenters who said you need to get some cameras going in your house! Though maybe the dogs would figure out how to turn those off ... I mean, who knows? They sound like evil geniuses to me!

  38. lol! look at that adorable head tilt tho! the head tilts always get me!

  39. Literally laughing out loud at this...oh how I wish you had a hidden camera to capture that!

  40. You have to admit that's pretty freaking awesome! My vote is for collusion . . . I say they were all in on it but trying to blame Mae. I sometimes have a peanut butter craving myself so I totally get it.

  41. wow, this is amazing....I think it's time for a nanny-cam! lol

  42. Another popular vote, you need cameras and find out their happenings cause that is just odd, funny, but horribly odd. lol

  43. For some reason this didn't pop up in my feed until now. I'm dying!!! Rotten yet talented little buggers.


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