Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Hello, March

Hello birthday month. Hello daylight saving. Hello March Madness. Hello corned beef. Hello spring. Hello Easter. Hello return of the green. Hello shore house reopening. Hello all of you beautiful March babies. Hello finally being able to use the March photo I took of balloons at the March for Babies last freaking April. Hello hello hello.

February feels like a month of waiting and inaction to me. March feels like forward motion and waking up. I like March's energy.

If you know me, you know I am all about the birthday. Mine is March 15. I celebrate my birthday all month and if you hate that people do that, I do not care. I will certainly treat myself. I save up my spare change and my gift cards and always do it up in March. But if you had one, I'd take a coupon code that will work on RayBans at Sunglasses Hut...Anyone? Bueller? I cannot find one to save my life. Some things on my radar: a dress from Old Navy, polarized Jackie Ohhhs, a shirt Kristen shared with me that suits me to a T, and a refill of my daily lip product.
Since I am fortunate enough to have all of my needs and a hell of a lot of my wants, I asked MFD to make his fundraising goal for the Covenant House Sleepout we're doing three days after my birthday in lieu of giving me a gift I don't need or doing a nice dinner out like we usually do. Thanks to many of you, I made my goal a while back so I'm being a pushy boss lady to get him to his because a) I love being a pushy boss lady, and b) helping others who truly need it is a totally awesome birthday gift.

On Friday, March 18, we're sleeping outside on the street with Covenant House on a team run by our friends Catie & Joe. For one night we are giving up the comforts of home knowing that by doing this small act we can help raise awareness and funds for homeless youth. Thousands of kids spend every night on the unforgiving streets of this great nation. So many others hop from house to house constantly worried about who will take them in next. Can you even imagine?

Add to that the stress of having to go to school and fly under the radar of other kids, hiding the fact that you're homeless.

Did you know many shelters will not accept homeless youth without a parent so these kids are turned away? We are choosing to force our kids out onto streets because there aren't enough places for them to go - and teenagers don't choose homelessness unless the alternative is something so ugly we don't dare speak about it in polite company.What kind of life is this for children in America?

Covenant House exists solely to serve this under-served sector of the homeless population. By doing this and raising funds, we are doing a small part to make sure the doors of Covenant House stay open for all who need them for a hot meal, a safe bed, and help in furthering their education, getting jobs, and finding permanent housing.

If you think supporting homeless teens is a worthy cause and would like to donate, you can get to MFD's fundraising page here. He's only $105 from his goal! No amount is too small, every dollar helps give a kid an opportunity most of us have taken for granted our whole lives.

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