Friday, January 8, 2016

Friday Five: People I don't know who make my life better

I could complete a 50 page paper in under five minutes on people who make my life harder and more annoying, but today is Friday and I will turn on the vitamin D lamps instead. Here are some people I don't know know who make my life better:

1. My morning train conductor. His name is Sean and he's the best. Personable, professional, and always there with a greeting, but best of all when SEPTA is fucking up, Sean gives it to you straight instead of not announcing what's going on. If the train was late he even gets on the PA system after every stop to tell all the new people why it was late. Communication goes a long way.

2. My friends at the Dunkin Donuts on 16th & JFK. I go there every morning. I never have to order, they know me and what I want. When someone new starts as cashier and asks me what I want, everyone else chimes in over me. We exchange pleasantries. I head to my office with a smile every day.

3. People who know and practice public transportation etiquette. They respect your space, don't clip their toenails on the train, know you don't give a shit about their one sided cell phone conversation, let the people sitting in the seats ahead of them out when the train stops instead of rushing out like they are very busy and important like the President of the United States heading to the War Room for a Defcon Whatever Number is Most Critical meeting.

4. People with great big uninhibited laughs. I don't have to even be looking at someone who has a great laugh to smile when I hear it. You're having a good time? Something is funny? I love it. Laugh it out.

5. Curtis, the shuttle bus driver at the park & ride. Also known as the friendliest man ever. He greets everyone effusively and considers them a friend immediately. Even if my day has sucked, I have to smile when I see Curtis grinning from the driver's seat, crowing, "Hellooooooooo young lady! How was your day? My friend my friend, come on up!!"

What relative strangers fill these five slots in your life?

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