Fucking BO. Worst BO ever. WHY GOD? WHY?
Ooh cushy headphones.
Where is that BO
coming from?
Is it me? MFD? Sniff test time.
Is it me? MFD? Sniff test time.
So thirsty. Assholes confiscating my water bottles after I've been through security. Motherfuckers. Fucking fucks.
I wonder how much
snow is around the car.
Don't think about the snow. Relax. Serenity.
Source of BO
identified. Diagonally in front of us. Super.
That child sounds
like there is a demon inside of it.
Annnd MFD has
fashioned a nose mask to combat the BO using earplugs, toilet paper, an eye
mask, and airline socks. I don't know him. Put your hand near your eyes and look away.
And he's reading over my shoulder. STOP IT.
And he's reading over my shoulder. STOP IT.
And the girls next to us are taking his photo.
Wait I have to take his photo.
If they don't get
this entertainment system figured out there is going to be a mutiny on this
Pretty sure I'M THE
CAPTAIN NOW is on this flight.
I probably need to go
to the grocery store tomorrow.
Don't think about to do lists. Go to sleep. Serenity now.
Everything is closing in. Must switch to the aisle seat.
Have a shitfit on an airplane and force your husband to switch seats with you RIGHT NOW due to claustrophia can now be checked off of my list
Did he seriously tell me to calm down? Does he know me?
Do not lose your shit. You can do this!
Stuart Smalley shitbag affirmations are not going to work now.
Stuart Smalley shitbag affirmations are not going to work now.
Our picture taking neighbor is going to be the one to start the entertainment system mutiny. She has just confirmed it.
If I don't go to sleep I am going to be a danger to myself and others and also probably get divorced.
Come the fuck on benadryl, any day now you can start working.
Did they seriously
want to know if I was going to wake up to eat at 1 am or whatever the fuck time it is?
YES, I'm sleeping. NO, I do not want your food. Shove it up your ass!
I'll have two Dramamine instead. Benadryl is fired after hours one and two on this fucking tin can in the sky.
No, I do not want to get up so you can go to the bathroom.
I smell farts. If I was sleeping, I wouldn't be smelling farts.
I can't smell the BO
anymore. I can't smell anything. My nostrils are as dry as the Sahara.
Where is the water? How do they expect me to survive without water? They're supposed to leave some in the galley and there's nothing except trash there.
It's so quiet in here I feel like screaming.
I guess I'm finished sleeping, time to put the pillows away.
Yet again I have a carry on full of just in case shit that I have not used once. I need to reevaluate my carry on life.
Too bad these cushy headphones don't work. Now I'll never see The Martian.
They totally did not clean the bathrooms in Dakkar like they were supposed to.
They totally did not clean the bathrooms in Dakkar like they were supposed to.
This breakfast tastes like hammered shit.
I hate everyone. It's like Lord of the Flies up in here.
I dropped my basket about a week before we were supposed to leave and the flights were the main reason. Honestly they were not nearly as bad as I thought they'd be - 16 hours to Jo'burg with a stop to refuel in Accra, Ghana, followed by 2.5 hours to Cape Town and 18 hours from Jo'burg to Dulles with a stop to refuel in Dakkar, Senegal. I am surprised that they seemed to pass quickly thanks to a pseudo sleep both ways.
TGIF! In super poor planning, I have a work event planned for tonight. I just want to take my jet lagged ass home to bed. Happy birthday to my cousin Tiffany today!