Thursday, December 3, 2015

Thursday Thoughts - my thoughts runneth over

1. I kicked ass on Cyber Monday: 70% off at Snapfish plus good deals at Kohl's, Ulta, and Alex & Ani among others. I even got a few Christmas gifts for 50% off. Between the offerings, the free shipping, and the ebates cash back I earned, I made out. And my Christmas shopping is finished. As you might know, I'm a one for you, one for me type of shopper. I do wrap up my gifts and put them under the tree from Santa. Some of them at least. LOL
Old lady shoes, laughing Buddha charm, and a dish towel that makes me laugh

2. If you want to see a comedy of errors, be in my vet's office when I have to take more than one dog in at a time. Monday night's visit was punctuated by Gus's persistent The King is here! Look at me! Worship ME! bark and concluded with me getting wrapped up in leashes and falling out of the door. The dogs paid me no mind as I lay on the wet ground laughing like a hyena at myself. Gus was only interested in what Gus wanted to do, which was get the rock out of there, and Geege was only interested in sniffing Gus's butthole. Thanks, dogs, for your concern.
3. I had lunch at the Corner Bakery and talked lipstick with my BFF Jenn on Tuesday. I love being a lady who lunches. 
4. Tuesdays with Lola, the prettiest baby niece in the whole world. 

5. I'm always all fa fa fa Essie is the best but I have to say, this is pretty awesome for old Sally girl. In person it's a little more purple-ish. It went on great and is a good option for a new standard neutral.
6. This week in FWP: at the shore we have regular coffee pots, the $30-$40 Mr. Coffee jobbys. This week MFD and I admitted to each other that we miss brewing that type of coffee. I like the conveniece of the Keurig, but I don't think the coffee is as strong, and I like hearing the pot dripping and sizzling and percolating. So the Keurig is going to work with MFD and a Mr. Coffee is coming back to our house and basically for free because I will be returning a cardigan so it's a wash. Boom(ish).
7. This week in RWP: I can't believe we're a country of such immense wealth and we have people living on the streets. I can't believe this all the time, but when it gets cold and when it rains and when it's the holidays it just really eats at me to walk past homeless people in this city every day. I buy a coffee or a bagel, I bring some socks to pass out - it doesn't feel like enough. It hurts my heart. My home is so important to me for so many reasons, safety and security and shelter being tops on the list, that I just simply cannot imagine having to sleep on the street. If you are unable to get out to this population and physically hand out some food or blankets or care kits but would like to do something, in Philly you can check out donation and volunteer opportunities with No More Pain Inc., an organization started by a fellow Neshaminy High School alum that does outreach in the Philly area; Advocates for Homeless & Those in Need, the charity doing outreach in Lower Bucks that MFD works with to do Meals on Wheels and Code Blue to get homeless people to shelter when the temperatures dip; and Project HOME, which has opportunities to donate, advocate, volunteer, and shop. If you are in Philly and see someone on the street when it's too cold, please call 911 or the Homeless Outreach Hotline at 215-232-1984. Sometimes I think we do nothing because we think it requires a grand gesture or a lot of money. It doesn't. It just requires a kind heart, a willingness to look someone in the eye, and a dollar or two for a cup of coffee and a bagel. And a little bit of thick skin because sometimes these people are so disenfranchised and disillusioned that they push back on you. If I was them, I probably would too. Don't let that stop you from reaching your hand out. Please.

8. Thanks to my wonderful cousin Rob and the other fine folks at PUMA for sharing this. Whether you like a good deal or know of an organization who buys gifts for those in need and might be able to use this, please pass it along.

9. I have Saturday totally free this weekend. I'm beside myself with gleeful anticipation. I have a lot of purging and organizing in mind. There's nothing like having Christmas shit all over to make you ready to do some damage in those areas.

10. The next Show Us Your Books with me & Jana of Jana Says is this coming Tuesday, December 8. But wait! There's more. dun dun dun We're having a bonus edition this month. On Tuesday, December 29, we want you to link up to show us your favorite books you read in 2015. They do not have to be written or printed in 2015, just the best/favorites you came across. Are you going to join us? Grab this button and get your lists in order, my friends!
Life According to Steph

11. I'm calling for gun control. I want serious, in depth background checks in every state. I want mental health testing included a la Japan. I want it to be harder to get a gun than it is to buy a car. In Pennsylvania you can go in and buy a gun and walk out the door with it in under 30 minutes if your check comes back clear. But it takes two to three weeks to get clearance to volunteer with non profits or work with kids, and it takes two months to go through the mortgage process. Neither of which can harm another living thing. This is crazy. I want assault weapons off the streets. I want the lobbying arm of the NRA chopped the fuck off, and I don't want to hear that it's not a gun problem. Other countries don't have this problem so don't tell me gun control can't work. It does work. In plenty of other places. We can pray for the victims all we want but until we collectively stand up and demand a change, we'll just be praying for more victims tomorrow, because there have been more mass shootings this year in the United States than there have been days. I don't want to live like this. Gunsense. We can all have it.

12. E-card of the week...Word.

Signing off with a gift that's been in my head. May it not live as long in yours. 

mama-say mama-sa mama-koo-sa, 

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