V I S I T I N G ... The Christmas Village in LOVE Park. I love to see the tree behind the LOVE sign but I don't like the actual Christmas Village. I'm not sure if I'll make it down to the one in Franklin Square this year, that one looks awesome.
M A R V E L L I N G ... over the fact that a Joe Dirt 2 exists. I never heard of it. Apparently it was bad, and I want to know if it was bad the way Joe Dirt was bad, because that was good bad.
L O V I N G ... this shore-themed Christmas gift from the lovely Amanda MeeMee. The candles smell amazing and I was wanting something with the coordinates on there...even though I can't read a map to save my life.
And the sassy gift, pug cards, and cookies from Kerry. Mug love, bag love - hits two of my spots!
F E E L I N G ... college-ish. I love papasan chairs - I always have, and I always will. I ordered one for the efficiency porch at the shore in cobalt blue. I am so excited. I'll be even more excited if the cushions on the right come back in stock to go in the other two chairs out there.
C O N T O R T I N G ... myself on the couch to accommodate three dogs while behind us, MFD slumbers peacefully, spread out. Mae blacks out in these photos, she's right against my leg in the first one.
E A T I N G ... healthy-ish...why do the cookies have to be on the way to the fruit?
A C C E P T I N G ... That I was too ambitious in dreaming up our family trip to Europe next year. I have officially given up London after six iterations of an itinerary trying to cram it in. Paris and Ireland it is.
Fill me in...what's going on with you this month?
Linking up with Kristin and Joey