Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Christmas Confessions

1. If you make a big deal about people saying Christmas instead of holidays, I wonder why of all things to pick on, you pick this instead of being happy people are wishing you a merry or a happy anything. If you celebrate Christmas, YOU say Christmas and you don't worry about what anyone else says. If someone says Happy Holidays to you, feel free to reply with Merry Christmas if that's how you want to reply. Likewise, you can say Merry Christmas to someone and they can reply how they would like to reply. No one is telling YOU not to say Merry Christmas. Why is this so hard? It's like kindergarten level. There is not a finite amount of holiday spirit. There's enough to spread it around to people celebrating whatever holiday they celebrate.

2. The Christmas songs I like best are sad or depressing i.e.: Fairytale of New York by the Pogues, Hard Candy Christmas by Dolly Parton, Last Christmas by Wham!, Blue Christmas by Elvis.

3. Movies:
-I've never seen Love Actually and I don't have any desire to.
-The Home Alone family is chock full of assholes and I won't watch it. I prefer assholes of the Uncle Louis/Christmas Vacation variety. THE BLESSING.

4. You can always pick out the gifts I've wrapped - they look like festive crime scenes. Ho ho ho a psycho wrapped these!

5. I think the Elf on the Shelf is a hideous little turdburglar.

6. I adore Christmas Eve, it's always so relaxed and jolly. Christmas Day, meh. I feel like I'm always running to see someone or be somewhere at a certain time and just running on empty in general after a full season of celebrations. Christmas to me is much about the events and the festiveness of the month leading up to it, and when it's over, it's over. I am not looking to extend it. My personal idea of hell is having my Christmas stuff up inside for more than a month, which is why I put it up the Sunday after Thanksgiving and take it down in stages between 12/27 and 1/4.

7. I say HO HO HOooooooooooooo throughout the season a la the Santa in A Christmas Story to the point of being extremely annoying (I'm sure).

8. I love to see gorgeous Martha Stewart-esque Christmas scenes but have no desire to have them in my home.

9. I haven't decorated a tree in over 12 years. I rely on my perfectionist tree decorating husband to do that...

10. but the thought of one day having a home with numerous trees, some of them themed, entices me. I still don't want to decorate them though. Just bask in their glory. Even though this year's tree has been up un decorated aside from white lights for over two weeks, the glow of it is still just awesome.

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